I think they’re talking about subscriptions to use features that are already on the car. Connected services like remote start as a service can eat shit.
I think they’re talking about subscriptions to use features that are already on the car. Connected services like remote start as a service can eat shit.
Agree on the attachment concept. Also, the Clone Wars connection of Obi-Wan to Bail Organa was not established while Qui-Gon was still alive, so the continuity of Leia’s holographic plea would have been broken.
I agree that niacin is great for sleep, but that’s quite a large dose of niacin. The average person is going to have a pretty significant flush effect just from a 50mg dose. 1g is gonna prickle and burn like nobody’s business.
I just shot coffee out of my nose while reading this. The thought of a cop actually showing up with the intent to SAVE A LIFE seems so far fetched that it would be ideal material for an episode of the Twilight Zone at this point. But, yeah, I suppose the official reason for deploying cops to the scene probably wouldn’t be well received if they said, “in case someone (or someone’s dog) needs to be murdered.”
I would love it if the auto TL;DR bot would summarize every article about nestle with simply, “Fuck nestle” and save its compute cycles for other news.
The ghost of Daniel Shaver would like a word