• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • Well, valheim now works straight out of the box on Pop_OS so that’s an improvement! Haven’t downloaded other games so not sure about that just yet though, still setting up my usual programs now.

    On the other hand I kinda hate its GUI, I installed that gnome extension to make the toolbars customizeable and now it just crashes every once in a while, for example just few minutes ago alt-tab stopped working and everything minimalized and became unresponsive so I had to force shut it off. An hour ago I closed the laptop lid and when I reopened it later, the OS woke up to the login screen but everything was frozen and I couldn’t do anything. It’s a bit of a cursed OS, you can’t even click the folder path to copy the path, I miss mint lol.

  • I guess the point I have an issue with here is ‘ability to do things not specifically trained on’. LLMs are still doing just that, and often incorrectly - they basically just try to guess the next words based on a huge dataset they trained on. You can’t actually teach it anything new, or to put it better it can’t actually derive conclusions by itself and improve in such way - it is not actually intelligent, it’s just freakishly good at guessing.

  • You’re bunding all of it together. I don’t want EA to run their marketing campaign or mastodon (although why not - it’d add legitimacy to the platform and I can easily block/not follow them), but I do want smaller youtubers posting there, I want artists to share news or boost other artists. I want developers to post announcements about what they are working on or when an update drops for their game. I want developers to have their personal accounts there and share stories about the development too.

    All of this i get on twitter. I haven’t gotten any of it on mastodon because none of these people have moved off twitter, and never will because mastodon doesn’t want to give them a platform on which they can reach the same audience.

  • That’s a tough question and my answer usually depends on the mood but I think mad max fury road has got to be up there near the top of the list. It’s just a perfect movie. Interesting hook and story, amazing action scenes and visuals, chilling music, amazing performances of everyone involved… Every few years I just get the urge to re-watch it and it’s always fun.