I’ve got several hits, but none of them have permission to request my location. If I understand the README correctly, that should mean I’m safe, right?
I’ve got several hits, but none of them have permission to request my location. If I understand the README correctly, that should mean I’m safe, right?
Could be, but if they genuinely didn’t understand, this hopefully helped more than continuing the (supposed) joke.
At first, I read it that way too. However, it’s supposed to be: (School) (warns parents) (of border patrol agents boarding buses […])
Hardly a surprise, since Windows 10 didn’t need new hardware to run. You could install it on anything.
Well, what problems are you trying to solve by having the classes all access each other’s data members? Why is that necessary?
Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if screenshots are disabled in that app considering the rest, to “stop leaking sensitive information”.
Because you don’t need to have significant experience or rent a VPS in order to do that, and I can respect that. We don’t need to force FOSS developers to become proficient in everything.
What needs to happen is some kind of tool (ideally FOSS) that lets you spin up an actual forum with the same difficulty to set it up as Discord.
But is the letter facing the direction, or are you looking in the direction if you’re looking at the letter? So, is East behind the camera or in front of it?
Huh, TIL.
Regarding your edit, that amount wasn’t the cumulated cost of whatever Limewire were distributing, that would be idiotic indeed; rather the RIAA tried to call for a ruling that somehow those guys were causing $150,000 in damages - per instance. Now the article unfortunately doesn’t state how they possibly tried to justify that number, and I can’t be bothered to research that myself. Another thing that would interest me is how the plaintiff expected them to pay with almost every dollar on Earth.
So while I don’t think this had anything to do with “lost sales”, I do agree with the possible fines and damage calculations not being fit for any sort of realistic purpose at all.
Depending on the stuffing, I might actually rather take the seat, just because it’s got armrests.
That’s a point I didn’t actually think about, touché. Let’s go through this then:
Before Covid (in my country at least), there was this massive push for more homes, because the interest rates were so low. Everyone was building a house, because it was so very cheap (in interest at least, not necessarily in costs). At that point, wise developers might have decided to not take on any big new projects, focusing on finishing their current ones instead of trying to ride out this bubble.
Then Covid hit and the supply chains broke down. That was sudden and couldn’t be expected, I’ll give you that. But now, four years later, the main reason (in my opinion) for the low occupancy is the newfound interest for WFH, also resulting from Covid. Who needs an expensive condo in a crowded city if you can have a cheap flat in a small town instead?
So in this case, I’ll (partially) retract my prior opinion and instead state that while a crash could’ve been seen somewhere on the horizon, Covid with all its consequences certainly couldn’t have been foreseen.
I’m not familiar with the housing prices in Toronto compared to smaller cities in Canada, but perhaps those developers need to bite the bullet and lower their asking prices, because I’d imagine selling for less is still better than holding onto dead weight, praying for demand to go up again.
Wow, writing the same paragraphs three times… What an abomination of an article.
On a serious note, they shouldn’t have been so greedy then and waited until prices had fallen again… This looks exactly like the dotcom bubble crashing because investors just couldn’t hold their horses.
Late reply, but for me personally, I started doing it because my Keepass database is already accessed using two factors (password and key file). Therefore, I’d gain very little by keeping the second factor of those sites external - essentially, those second factors are compounded into the second factor for the database.
Sorry, I mistakenly assumed you were talking about disk storage - sure, if you’re designing your own solution, definitely use tags! Although the ones Gmail uses aren’t really portable in my experience, so you’re forced to use their mail client. That, however, is pretty much unavoidable if you’re putting a new spin on established protocols like they’re doing - maybe those changes will get picked up by other clients, maybe they won’t, who knows?
That’s true, but since we’re stuck with the file/folder system for all intents and purposes, you should be able to replicate that behaviour by making those tags part of the filenames (like rent_lease_landlordX.pdf) and searching for (parts of) filenames instead. But yes, a dedicated system would of course be preferable.
Why not just use soft links instead?
That’s something I would disagree with though. “Sticking with plain HTML and CSS” is way more work, and often has significantly less functionality, than building a website with a framework.
True, but at that point, every website I’ll ever visit and have visited in the past might be a threat, so that doesn’t really matter too much to me.