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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Damn, that’s a long list. Looks like a lot of work to collect and prepare.

    I was looking for more of an overview of it and selected them from the headlines:

    1. 2014: Completely broken IndexedDB implementation
    2. 2015: 100vh (100% viewport height) means a different thing in mobile Safari to everywhere else
    3. 2016: <body /> with overflow:hidden CSS is scrollable on iOS
    4. 2017: Safari incorrectly blocks localhost as mixed content when accessed from an HTTPS page
    5. 2018: OS 11.2.2 broke WebAssembly
    6. 2018: Safari 11.1 broke MessageChannels
    7. 2019: Audio stops playing when standalone web app is no longer in foreground
    8. 2019: PWA in iOS uses old assets after publishing new servicerWorker/assets
    9. 2020: Add Fullscreen API to iOS (& display fullscreen)
    10. 2021: Safari shipped blob.stream(), crashes with a NULL pointer exception
    11. 2021: Appending an element to the shadow DOM in many cases hard crashes the browser process
    12. 2021: LocalStorage is broken when a page is open in more than one tab
    13. 2021: IndexedDB APIs hangs indefinitely on initial page load
    14. 2021: Fetch request streaming is implemented just enough to pass feature detection, but it doesn’t actually work
    15. 2021: IndexedDB API information leaks
    16. 2023: Notifications API: support for the badge, icon, image and tag options
    17. 2024: On-screen keyboard does not show up for installed web apps (PWAs) when focusing a text input of any kind
    18. 2008: Focus events for non-input elements behave differently in Safari to every other browser
    19. 2012: Using border-image with border-style: none is rendered completely wrong
    20. 2014: WebKit doesn’t calculate padding-top/-bottom: n% correctly
    21. 2014: Pointer events should allow for device-pixel accuracy
    22. 2017: Support for 120Hz requestAnimationFrame
    23. 2018: Some Fetch requests incorrectly completely skip the service worker
    24. 2020: Safari 14 shipped a broken replaceChildren() method, which caused glitches in Construct.
    25. 2020: When leaving current scope of PWA, back button incorrectly reads “Untitled”
    26. 2020: Safe-area-inset-bottom still set when keyboard appears
    27. 2020: Support for background-attachment: local has suddenly completely disappeared
    28. 2021: IntersectionObserver and ResizeObserver fire in incorrect order
    29. 2021: Mousemove events fire when modifier keys are pressed, even if the mouse isn’t moved
    30. 2021: Scrolling in home screen apps incorrectly latches to document
    31. 2022: WebM Opus support is inconsistent in Safari
    32. 2022: Installed web app with viewport-fit cover causes overscroll issues, breaks position fixed and -webkit-fill-available
    33. 2023: iPadOS: Viewport doesn’t correctly restore after dismissing software keyboard for installed web apps
    34. 2023: iPadOS: window loses focus when dismissing the keyboard, breaks Page Lifecycle API
    35. 2024: Svh and lvh are incorrect on iOS in third party browsers
    DOM query
    let a = ''
    for (let x of document.querySelectorAll('h3 a[title]')) a += x.title + "\n"

  • If Markdown formatting is enough for you, I would look into using a static site generator, like Hugo or Jekyll.

    If you want to keep your existing content as static files but same website skeleton and layout instead of copying and editing files you’ll copy one and create the layout template. Then content and new posts and pages can be generated from Markdown files. If you set up CI they won’t need to run Hugo or what you’re using, only push the Markdown files to your Git repository.

    Whatever you want to do primarily depends on: Your formatting, styling, functionality, and interfacing needs for the editor, and what you’re willing to use or invest for setup.

    Hugo runs from a single binary. The source layout is reasonable. With a single layout the folder structure doesn’t have to be complex.

    I’m not very familiar with alternative [Markdown] static site generators.

  • You’re good to keep your skepticism. If you trust them, the ones creating the tutorial to have vetted to a degree, or that a very popular package like that is vetted to a reasonable degree, you’ll just go ahead with it. (Like most people do without questioning it.)

    You’ll need considerable experience and insight to do good, reasonable risk assessment. Without that, you can either trust and hope in others, or skip the ecosystem and look for alternative technologies.

    It’s also worth noting that your potential impact is considerable lower if you’re only doing local test and development work, not publishing or publicly serving anything. I’m not personally familiar if or to what degree running arbitrary local commands has been limited in the npm ecosystem by now.

  • They wrote they’re using . as placeholder commit messages.

    I use f for such [f]ollowup/[f]ixup commits, and a for [a]dditional code/components/changesets. Both keys are trivial to enter. When cleaning it up after, f commits are typically squashed into previous ones, and a commits get a description and/or serve as a base for squashing.

    I can see . working well as well, but having a more obvious character (with vertical height/substance) seems preferable.

  • How did it change how I think about version control? Not much? The goals are still the same. It only does many things better than previous centralized tools.

    When DVCS came up and became popular, I used Git and Bzr.

    At work, we used subversion. In one project, we had one SVN repository in our office and the customer had one in their office. A colleage had created a sync util. We regularly synced all history into an external hard drive, drove to the customer, and merged it there. Required a thorough and checklist process, potentially conflict resolution, and changelog generating for the big merge commit. Then drive back to the office, and merge back there.

    Of course sometimes you used remote desktop to hotfix changes in their code base. Meaning you’d now have the change in two places as different commits.

    Anyway, I’ve never found Git difficult. I used it, learned and understood it, and it’s consistent. I know enough “internals”/technical details to understand and use it well and without confusion.

  • I think the fundamental difference is that Git is a CLI tool. But that’s not how or where people use and want to use it. So obviously various interfaces are being created. It’s not alternative CLI that are created. It’s UIs and GUI interfaces. For a lack of a [more-than-barebone] official one.

    Shells remain CLI. Distros are also technically/technologically driven.

    Maybe the better analogy is that with vim and nano, we see many text editors and IDEs with GUIs.

  • I’m not sure I understand what issue Linus et al. are trying to solve. If the full hash is used whenever a commit reference is saved somewhere, then why does it matter how core.abbrev is configured?

    What are you referring to?

    The article is about abbreviated forms, not full hashes. The Linus quote is specifically about abbreviation.

    [Linus] He recommends kernel developers use 12 characters

    For a large code base you can expect to further grow continuously for a long time, it makes sense to already use more than a minimum abbreviation so that you references remain unique, even if a decades time.

    Configuring a wider and explicit abbreviation width that will remain constant is preferable because the displayed references are what you will copy and reference. It doesn’t make sense to work with shorter abbreviations locally, but wider abbreviations when communicating with others. It’d be a hassle to translate and risky to miss doing.