If we take “unlimited unauthenticated API access shouldn’t be possible” for granted, I’m unfortunately not all that technically competent about what can be done next.
The first thing that comes to mind is treating website access and app access differently, maybe limiting app API access by default for people who haven’t logged in.
Or creating a separate bot API that’s rolled out across all servers at some point in the future… And I know federation could pose some serious chokepoints here so that’s where my speculation ends.
I have a few suggestions for development concerns off the top of my head:
* either immediately or, to prevent spam, after some time
…And attitudes like this towards privacy will keep Lemmy from progressing to a point where those issues will be fixed.
I have a fundamental problem with giant corporations scraping user data without user consent. That’s a system-level issue. It doesn’t become “good” just because they get to scrape without consent for free.
Lemmy has quite a few unfortunately invasive qualities of its own, including generally needing an email address from you (Reddit does not), having poor privacy and data retention practices, and generally being very messy with who gets to decide what happens with your data and how easily it can be scraped.
Sure, Reddit sells it… But Lemmy gives it to any web scraper for free.
To paraphrase Louis Rossman, he doesn’t need the fraction of a penny he’d get from you wasting your time, and if YouTube wants your money then they should earn it.
Live streams will stutter badly when a game is going on, something I have experienced in Firefox but not Chrome.
And of course Chromium has billions of dollars at its disposal while Mozilla can’t even accept donations from users for Firefox so it’s not exactly surprising that the browser with worse funding and management doesn’t run as well.
What’s the best browser to recommend to people who want to dump Brave but either can’t or won’t switch to Firefox, due to things like unoptimal behavior of sites like YouTube while playing games, for example?
The best I’ve come up with is Thorium, a de-Googled Chromium fork, optimized for speed.
You’ve got two options:
Removed by mod
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deleted by creator
Removed by mod
It removed a Russian puppet leader. Now there is no foreign puppet in charge of the country. This alone is a huge change, doesn’t sound like it’s “merely” a shift.
Edit: more significant than even I thought.
Using LGBT rights and antisemitism (and even censorship!) as a metric, I’m pretty sure you would agree that leaning towards “pro western” values is preferable to what Russia is doing in their country and to their puppet states.
A for-profit that wrapped itself in a non-profit shell that is empty and just run by the for-profit?