This is entirely dependent on where you’re living. If you live in a large city, slim isn’t the word I’d use.
Also, not weird or abnormal in a lot of the world. Lots of areas in Asia value education before relationships and encourage someone to be self-sufficient before marrying.
I was fortunate to have a wonderful father. It wasn’t until it was almost too late that I realized and thanked him.
Be firm, but reasonable. Be kind and sensitive. Tease because it gently builds tolerances. Lift up and build up, don’t break down.
Encourage communication and support with understanding. Don’t punish honesty. Encourage it and meet it with respect. Even when honesty reveals a wrongdoing, communicate the next steps to right the wrong. Help them walk those steps. But sometimes, let them take some of the steps alone to build independence.
Be there to catch them when they fall. Be there.