Interesting, thanks
My name’s not Rick.
Interesting, thanks
New kindle jailbreak you say?
This American will be angrily calling his reps to continue to push for support for Ukraine. Won’t do much because I live in the part of the country that already doesn’t want to throw Ukraine to the wolves.
His party are social democrats
Gotta skip Elba and go straight to St Helena
I’d like to skip to the part where we ship him off to some random island forever
It stands for digital rights management. Apple Music has drm. I do recall back in the day that anything purchased on iTunes was pretty easy to strip the drm off of, but I don’t think that’s the case anymore.
His rejection of the financial successes of Da5id and all the vanity around the black sun was pretty punk. He even puts on street gigs for his roommate
Hiro and YT in snow crash are punk in their own respective ways, imo. You’ve probably already read that though.
I had a very compact fan that plugged right into the lightning port on iPhones. I got a new phone and it stopped working, unfortunately
We took the US citizenship test in the first session of my first political science class back in college. Myself and a couple of others were the only ones to pass.
Don’t remember the name but the one where Patrick defines Wumbo. Either that or fry cook games, for obvious reasons
Lower supply of key goods should help with inflation, right? Ugh
My browser extension that forces old Reddit is essential for this reason. The new UI is a cluttered mess
I can’t wait to see who wins the Mark Twain prize next year, probably that guy that called PR a shithole
I always heard “red and black, venom lack” but this works too
They get to learn where the term Tankie comes from!
Edit: also, I think Europe may be mad about the mass rapes, the red army sitting on their asses while the Nazis razed Warsaw, actively preventing East Germany and East Berlin from rebuilding while West Berlin and West Germany thrived, etc more so than the destroying fascism part. Just my two cents.
He of course has put someone that has no expertise in the arts whatsoever in place, as far as I can tell
Like it or not, it is the primary source of this meme
Rule 5.