You being vague and argumentative without clarification is trolling. Sad and lame.
You being vague and argumentative without clarification is trolling. Sad and lame.
Who’s shocked, really? “Oh no I’m so surprised the dictator who’s assassinated public officials before is maybe trying to kill us!”
Declare Russia an enemy of the state or whatever allows you to sanction them in totality and be done with it. The fact they won’t because they’ve made themselves so dependent on their gas and other exports is fucking pathetic.
If you vote for a third party in November you are helping Trump win. The primaries are over. It’s either Biden or whomever the DNC picks now. There are 2 options, 1 of which might be up in the air.
Man I love it when billionaire assholes finally figure out what the rest of the world has been saying since the beginning.
Good? Even if Tesla wasn’t shit it’s probably for the best if one company doesn’t make up the majority of an industry.
And normally this would be good for Tesla as it’d indicate the industry is growing a lot. So even if they aren’t most of it their total sales would probably increase.
Which YouTube app is broken now? Revanced still works fine for me.
If all the Democrats and “liberal” news stations and pundits spent half as much of their time bitching that Biden should drop out on figuring out WHO should replace him this wouldn’t be such a problem. If they could just agree on a new nominee maybe Biden would consider dropping out. Because right now Biden has to consider it when there’s no alternative.
People suggesting Biden drop out without a plan on how to proceed are doing the Republicans’ jobs for them. Or they are Trump supporters.
Always hate it When Day Breaks.
Unfortunately, most of that (lying, chasing, not reporting a crash) isn’t actually illegal (for pigs). Police have a stupid amount of leeway from the law.
Really, it should be illegal at the state level in every state to chase people. I’ve lived in a city where the PD had that: police could not chase; they’d just find them later.
Just had a weeklong beach vacation. We sat on the beach once for about half an hour before the sun was too much. We mostly just took morning and evening walks on the beach. We’re not really swimmers either, which was good because the surf was fucking lethal pretty much every day. Once day the waves were reaching the dunes and pooling past the high-tide line. Kids were constantly swimming and it was incredibly dangerous. I think most days were red flag and the “nice” ones were yellow.
The beach is pretty awful these days and we aren’t even that far south.
$3-400. Upper range if I can’t get anything for a trade-in, which is rare. I generally only get Pixel a-series but would definitely look at motorola again. It’s what I had before a-series existed.
When I got a vasectomy, it was like 20 before they wanted to do a fertility test.
Who needs to turn their sperm release on and off so quickly? I understand wanting it to be easier than surgery but no one needs it so fast that you flip a switch. Deciding to have kids is a huge decision that often takes months of fucking to succeed at.
Why would anyone accept this if they are trying to not seem like a fascist? I thought modi was trying to appear normal.
Except in this case it’s accurate? It’s calling out Russia’s lack of appropriate casus belli.
Trump said on a news conference before the election, “Russia, if you’re listening — I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let’s see if that happens.”
Russia released DNC emails the next day.
Russia is an enemy of America and democracy and is and has been actively trying to overthrow our country via info and cyber warfare.
A leftist hat trick would be amazing.
Indeed! New thoughts and ideas all the time.
Why is screw DLC legal? Why are people ok with companies preventing people from working in their own devices?