People who view policymaking as “entertainment” are the reason we have Trump in the first place.
People who view policymaking as “entertainment” are the reason we have Trump in the first place.
This was specifically supposed to be gross. We needed audio of people chewing.
Damn it! Wrong shudder speed!
“If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention… then that’s what I’m going to do”
-JD Vance -Ensign_Crab
I work in film post-production. One time, my team needed audio of people eating, so our sound guy recorded us eating our lunch with a really sensitive mic. When I was editing the audio in, it was really gross at first, but I got used to it pretty quickly.
The thing that still haunts me is the really subtle sound of forks hitting teeth. shutters
No. It’s a completely fabricated story. People are now trying to associate it with real but unrelated events in order to sane-wash the Republicans.
You’re the only one who mentioned anything about rescheduling.
Scams typically involve scammers making money when they scam people.
This was my first version:
This post has nothing to do with the Far Side.
Closer to 50/50 with the electoral college.
Or a dedicated section in the comments to discuss the source. That would accomplish everything this bot claims to without relying on a shitty, biased third party.
Nobody should be surprised by the NY Post pushing conservative conspiracies.
That still exists?
He was already president once, and did everything in his power to stop legalization. He’s getting desperate, but don’t believe a single word he says.
Isn’t this the son that nobody even knew existed until a week ago?
Background details rulz!
Edit: Any idea what his shirt is supposed to say?
It’s fracking. Domestic oil production has increased because it’s gotten cheaper and easier. This has been happening for a long time now.
It’s good to see that DJ Dallas is still rocking it out there!
This isn’t an American problem, it’s a conservative problem. I guarantee it’s happening wherever you live as well. Hopefully not as loudly though