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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023

  • The first page of my resume covers my technical skills, a summary of myself, and my most recent jobs.

    When you go past that, it gets to older jobs that are still relevant, then into school, then to side projects, volunteer, etc. basically, if you liked the first page, the rest of it gives them more about who I am.

    I think at this point it’s either 3 or 4 pages and every time I’ve gotten a job it’s been one where they asked me about the hobbies on the bottom of the last page, which meant they liked what they saw and liked my interview well enough.

    When I update it for my next search, I’ll take my first internship off because it’s no longer relevant, but most everything else is.

  • The only part I’d disagree with is the “regardless of the crime” portion, purely because I do believe that there are people who have committed heinous acts and that death was a just punishment for their actions.

    However, I do agree that I focused too much on the financial side of things and I definitely don’t want to equate a human life to a financial cost. That job is for the billionaires. My reason for bringing that up was the idea that for those that have committed such heinous crimes, what is the overall cost (not just financial) to keep them stuck in a box for the rest of their lives? Especially for those that never rehabilitate (which the US penal system does a terrible job at anyway).

    That said, after reading some of the other comments, especially the one from @StorminNorman, I’ve got some reading to do and may be willing to change my views on this. I’m definitely coming from a more conservative background (grew up very Republican, now I’m not sure where I sit) so there are some views that I have not had changed over the years, if only because I’ve not argued them. This would be one that I never had to argue as, at least in my circles, we never really discussed this view compared to things like gun control, healthcare, climate change, etc.

    So I do want to make sure that I’m not just coming across as “we should just kill people for their crimes” because, like I said, I don’t think it’s that black and white and also I wanted to see other views because it’s not one that I’ve had to argue until this point.

  • And that’s absolutely a fair point. That’s why I mentioned wrongful convictions in my comment originally. I know there was a story about a guy in Oklahoma who has been on death row for something like 20 years but then evidence came out that he was innocent. I’m not even sure they released him from prison but they finally removed his death sentence.

    Horrible situation, and that’s where I think we need reform in general because clearly our justice system has failed us in many ways.

    My only counter is for situations like Timothy McVeigh, the home grown terrorist who bombed the Murrah building in OKC and killed 168 people and injured over 600, many of them being children due to parking his truck close to the daycare. It’s reactionary, sure, but a man like that committed an atrocity that was proven, he admitted to it, said he was justified in it, and ultimately was put to death for it. To me, that is justice for his crimes, but it’s also a very extreme example since most people aren’t home grown terrorists.

    Again, I’m not saying I’m an expert or that I’m even right, hence why I even commented in the first place because I want other views. I do think that the death penalty should be used extremely rarely if it’s used at all, but I do still feel that there are some crimes in which the penalty is death. How do we ensure that we get it right though? That’s where you have a point and maybe we can’t so we shouldn’t.

  • The reason I disagree with this is that if we truly decide to “lock someone away for life”, it will ultimately cost us, the taxpayers, tons of money as someone is kept fed, educated, healthy, etc. I’m not against any of those things for the average Americans, but if someone is just going to spend the rest of their life in prison, they’re going to spend the rest of their life costing money.

    That said, does it make the death penalty the answer? I don’t know, I’m not a lawyer, I’m not a legal expert, I’m not an expert in anything. What I do know is that there are crimes that most people would probably say they’re okay with the death penalty, and crimes that people say they’re definitely not okay with it. I generally lean more towards the death penalty in some cases, but I also know that they fight and appeal for years and cost even more money. I also know that many innocent people have been put on death row, and that’s not okay. I think Texas uses it a bit liberally and that’s not okay.

    Again, I’m not an expert, but “locking him up for life” is just gonna cost more than he may be worth.

    It’s just not super black and white, in my opinion. But I’d love to be corrected and hear opposing views.

  • I haven’t seen the last like 4 Marvel movies because they no longer interest me. I have been enjoying most of the shows, but it’s a bit less of a commitment to say “oh I’ll watch one of these episodes every now and then” instead of going to a theater and spending 3-4 hours there.

    So yeah, I think most people are getting burned out. The latest movies haven’t been very good from what I’ve heard, the stories aren’t as fun, the new characters aren’t carrying as well as the old guard. Basically the same issue with Star Wars where the movies suck but the shows have been either really good or really bad.

  • The last time I pirated a game was for Freelancer. Couldn’t buy it anywhere except a CD and there was no guarantee it would work so I pirated it, it wasn’t what I expected, so I removed it.

    I also downloaded a Halo CE crack for PC but I owned the physical disk and just used it to play with friends at a LAN party.

    Otherwise there’s no reason to pirate anything gaming related, short of protest or something.

    TV, movies and music are so hard to find. Lots of people will tell me “no just use Spotify”. No. Go try to listen to Turn the Page by Bob Seger, and not a live version. The only versions Spotify has are the live and the Metallica versions. Try to find Whitesnake’s Deep Purple cover album. I used to never pirate music because I could buy the few albums they didn’t have and upload them to Google music. Now, there’s no option for that. I’d rather have a smaller library with the music I want than a massive one that’s missing my favorites,

  • Yeah so for the actual data, it’ll all be HDDs. I’ve got a couple 8tbs I shucked from some EasyStores, got a 3rd WD Red and will be getting a 4th soon. So actual data is all gonna be stored there. This is specifically the OS/Programs stuff, which (and this may be my ignorance) I understand that I’d want to run Proxmox on the SSD. I just want them to be in a raid1 config here so that I have redundancy similar to the rest of the system, but I only need the one.

    So yeah I’m just looking for what SSDs I should go for as my OS/Program drive, under the assumption I have to run Proxmox on that drive. If I’m mistaken then let me know, but that was my understanding. Like I said I’m somewhat new to self-hosting stuff so my current system is just Ubuntu for desktop that I pretend is a real server by SSHing into it with my desktop terminal.

  • God I hate Xfinity. The other day I kept having my Internet go down and I thought it was my network switch but I could still see other devices, I thought it was the router but the router only noticed it after 30 seconds, and then I thought it was the modem until I saw in the app that there was an “outage” to my service.

    I called them 3 times before someone finally stopped trying to blame me for using a 3rd party modem and that they had to fix something.

    The day another company comes in and provides fiber, I’m out.