Ð Greıt Þu̇mpkin

If you’re just gonna be mad about ð silly letters just block and move on wið your life. Raging at me about it only confirms ðat I should keep doing it.


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023

  • Ð Greıt Þu̇mpkin@lemm.eetoComic Strips@lemmy.worldThe Year 2100
    3 months ago

    Rıl “lᵫk ƿėt Y meıd M d!” enerdjı ėkyuzıŋ M v bııŋ ð eneıblṙ f n ſitıŋ daun æ teıkıŋ Y eneıblıŋ fæcizm ƿ enıþıŋ leſ kritikėl ðæn “yeſ tceıṙmæn v koṙſ tceıṙmæn ðoz næſtıƿæſtı eſtæblicmint ilıtſ ƿil cṙlı lṙn Ðıṙ leſėn ðiſ tuım tceıṙmæn!”


    Real “look what you made me do!” energy accusing me of being the enabler for not sitting down and taking you enabling fascism with anything less critical than “yes chairman of course chairman those nastywasty establishment elites will surely learn their lesson this time chairman!”

  • Ð Greıt Þu̇mpkin@lemm.eetoComic Strips@lemmy.worldThe Year 2100
    3 months ago

    Uı do’n o enıƿėn “n fæciſtſ” bııŋ “moṙ ėtcræktiv.” Ðı o M æ evrıƿėn luık M n hævıŋ t bı kėnvinſt “n fæciſtſ” z ð betṙ tcoıſ.


    I don’t kwe anyone “not fascists” being “more attractive.” They owe me and everyone like me not having to be convinced “not fascists” is fhe better choice.

    Ð æktcuėl poınt z ðæt ðiſ belıeık ėbaut hau ð establicmint nıdz t lṙn ſėm lesėn hıṙ z nėþıŋ moṙ ðæn ėtemptid leftwacıŋ v ð “ekėnȯmik eıŋgzuyitı” neırėtiv.


    The actual point is that this bellyache about how the establishment needs to learn some lesson here is nothing more than attempted leftwashing of the “economic anxiety” narrative.

    Ivin if Đı djenyuinlı ſold M aut f ſėmþıŋ æz impṙſėnėl æz ė dȯlṙ ȯf gæſ, ðæt z’n enı betṙ, it’z æktcuėlı almoſt ƿoṙſ. Uı muıt get blæk bægd bikȯz ſėm ƿuıt æsƿuıp diſuıdid Mı luıf ƿéz ƿoṙþ meıbı ė dȯlṙ ȯf gæſ.


    Even if they genuinely sold me oit for something as impersonal aa a dollar off gas, that isn’t any better. It’s actually almost worse. I might get black bagged because some white asswhipe decided my life was worth maybe a dollar off gas.

  • Pæleſtinıėn Ėmeırikėn hıṙ. Fᵫlı ekſpektıŋ “Uı fu̇kıŋ told Y ſ.” t bikėm Muı mantcrė ƿið ðız ſelf ėpoıntid ſeıvyṙz hu ƿᵫd’n ſtȯp tȯkıŋ ovṙ ð æktcuėl mėtırıėl intcreſtſ v ð Pæleſtinıėn pıpėl t dju̇ſtifuı ƿuı Ðı cᵫd’n bı dju̇djd f ėbændėnıŋ Ðıṙ riſpȯnſibilitız t ð diſenfræntcuızd yet ėgen.


    Palestinian American here. Fully expect “I fucking told you so.” to become my mantra with these self appointed saviours who wouldn’t stop talking over the actual material interests of the palestinian people to justify why they shouldn’t be judged for abandoning their responsibilities to the disenfranchised yet again.

  • Ð Greıt Þu̇mpkin@lemm.eetoComic Strips@lemmy.worldDream Home
    3 months ago

    Do’n worı, Uı’m told ðæt ſėm nebyulėſ Uıvrı tawṙ librėl establicmint figyṙ z gœıŋ t lṙn Đıṙ lesson ėbaut bııŋ t frendlı to İzreyėl, deſpuıt hau Đı ƿil moſt luıklı rimeın u̇ntu̇tct ſeıv f ė ſeneırıo ƿeıṙ moſt v u̇ duı lȯŋ bifoṙ Đı ekſpirienſ ıvin muınoṙ pṙſėnėl inkėnvınıenſ.


    Don’t worry, I’m told that some nebulous ivory tower liberal establishment figure is going to learn their lesson about being too friendly to Israel, despite how they will most likely remain untouched save for a scenario where most of us die long before they experience even minor personal inconvenience.

    Suınd, ė Pæleſtinıėn Ėmeırikėn hu z nau ekſpektid t bı þeıŋkfėl sėm ƿuıt kȯlidj kidz dju̇ſt helped suın ð deþ worint v Muı grændfaðṙ’z homlænd.


    Signed, a Palestinian American who is now expected to be thankful some white college kids just helped sign the death warrant of my grand father’s homeland.

  • Ðeıṙ aṙ tu Trump votṙz. Ð ƿėn hu votid f ð bigitcrı, æ ð ƿėn hu did’n vot ėgenſt it.


    There are two Trump voters. The one who voted for the bigotry, and the one who didn’t vote against it.

    Boþ aṙ ıqėlı dizṙvıŋ v dju̇djmint f ſelıŋ ð reſt v U̇ aut.


    Both are equally deserving of judgement for selling the rest of us out.

    Auṙ ėbyuzṙz aṙ n entuıtėld t U̇ bııŋ ð bigṙ pṙſėn bikȯz bııŋ tcrıtid luık Ðı þru i ƿið Fæciſtſ, ƿitc Ðı 1,000,000% did, hṙtſ Ðı’ṙ pƿecėſ ƿitėl fılıŋgz.


    Our abusers aren’t entitled to us being yhe bigger person because being treated like they threw in with Fascists, wich they 1,000,000% did, hurts their pwecious wittle feelings.