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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Sorry but I don’t think any country at this moment would be too happy to welcome fucking genocidal rapists maniac ex-convicted murderers.
    The fact that at some point along the way they went “aww this is so cold and they’re shooting back at me, I’m off” doesn’t make those bastard war criminals something one would want as neighbours. And paid for it too lol. No thanks.

    Not everything can be sorted with a cost-expenses spreadsheet.

  • Nah. People get really pissed when they’re REALLY hungry.

    We’re kept at a perfect balance, we can’t afford top shelf stuff, but most people have enough to get by.

    Sure, it feels like everyone is a medium-sized misadventure away from financial collapse, but still, we get by. We have Internet, shows to stream, cheap shitty fast food next door.
    No one can be bothered to go outside to chop heads demanding to redistribute wealth.

    Especially considering that half the population has been talked into believing that by pulling your boot straps you can get as rich as Elon Musk, and Trump is literally Jesus.

    There’s no revolution incoming, just occasional angry tweets.

  • Yeh ffs I hate this kind of prodding by self proclaimed social justice warriors in a context where it has no sense whatsoever. It makes them look stupid, and diminishes the issue in places where it actually is an issue.

    Mikklesen response:

    “Well, first of all, the film takes place in Denmark in the 1750s. We do have a big plotline about a girl of color who is being subjected to racism, which was very rare, any people of color in Denmark… almost nobody. She was probably at the time the only one in the entire country of Denmark.””

    Diversity shouldn’t be a pre-requisite for a story.

    It takes place in 2023 New York? Cool, there should be diversity.

    It takes place in, say, 1450 Saigon? Diversity would look artificial and out of place.