So I’m old as fuck… did the horriblesubs scene die? They were a bunch of die hard fans encoding subs with direct translations. I appreciated them so much for Knocking on Heavens Door and the complete Cowboy Bebop series 🥹
So I’m old as fuck… did the horriblesubs scene die? They were a bunch of die hard fans encoding subs with direct translations. I appreciated them so much for Knocking on Heavens Door and the complete Cowboy Bebop series 🥹
You will come up positive on a pre employment drug test though correct?
They’re tired and weary from the onslaught of war fringe to safe their country from Putins aggression. Any dig at their progress is a dig at morale that spreads not only through the ranks, but also to the general public. There is a time for constructive criticism, but that should be done in private with actual solutions offered by those criticizing. I understand their needs to be some decorum but you can’t blame them for what I would consider a mild retort as their countrymen die trying to retake their land everyday.
Well shit TIL… thanks for the intel friend 🙏🏾