sighs in American
sighs in American
Don’t. Please don’t.
The thing the idiot billionaires didn’t realize is that they already had maximum money and minimum accountability.
Money. Which would you rather have, a million dollars or a million rubles? By grinding the US economy to a standstill, they may have more dollars, but they’ll be worth less.
When they complete turning us into a fascist oligarchy, they’ll have more accountability, not less. Nearly every single one of them will have to spend more time worrying about getting thrown out of a window by a “superior” or shot in front of a hotel on their way to a conference.
They’ll have to fear everyone above and below them. They discarded a set of rules that originated from general agreements to help us all get along, and have chosen power and blood as the deciding factor over laws. Well, that goes both ways. Democracy requires some good faith, and we’ve taken that for granted.
The founders understood this. It’s why they invented our system of democracy. It wasn’t just out of the goodness of their hearts. That all happened around 1776, as you know.
Between June 14 and July 27, 1794, hundreds of nobles, shopkeepers, clergy, corset makers, vintners, and other “suspicious” citizens were executed by guillotine at Place de la Nation in Paris.
That sentiment didn’t arise out of the blue. It was around for decades before it got to that point. The founding fathers were very aware of what was happening there. The English civil war happened in the mid 1600s and the king was executed.
It turns out constant power struggles were often not great for those in power.
But we’ve forgotten that. So now, instead of learning from history, we’ll repeat it.
The US might be the biggest problem, but we’re not where this started.
No shit. Look around.
Turns out genocide is a spectrum, and they’re gonna get to experience all of it.
Trump proposes permanent displacement of Gazans as he welcomes Netanyahu to White House
I don’t. These people clearly did not vote with Gaza’s best interests in mind.
If you want to fuck both our counties with virtue signaling, well you can fuck right off.
Sure, but none of that competes with the causes “I just didn’t feel like it” or “I’m not into politics”.
Well, grats. Politics are into you.
Welcome to America. By the way, it’s rude to talk about politics. And I’m not going to change my family’s mind, so I won’t bother.
My vote doesn’t matter, so I won’t show up at the polls, either. Something something Gaza, both sides, Pelosi bad.
We’re stuck in this together whether we individually had a choice or not. Regardless of what happens in four years, we’ve proven unreliable.
Oh no, there’s no money or profit motive here. I guess that’s terrible.
Looks like there’s a viable alternative here.
While I understand that, I’m in America. My first priority has to be getting people off of Twitter.
Would I prefer open source, non-profit software? 100%. It’s the smarter and better choice for so many reasons.
But if Bluesky is going to gain critical mass, I’m not going to fight it. I’m having a hard enough time getting people off Twitter. I’ve written the media address of environments I’m familiar with asking them to organize a move, and I mentioned both Bluesky and Mastodon.
And we should just accept that?
You have nothing to hide. Just sign away all your rights.
The Judicial system is being gish galloped. Let’s see if Congress gives a shit especially as Elon has usurped the Power of the Purse.
You just can’t say “no maintenance has been done.” It has, with more planned.
Had we elected Kamala, this was one of the things that would continue to get fixed. Just seems you don’t want to give credit where credit is due. Not sure if you’re going for a “both sides” angle or what. But if you are, you don’t get to conflate that with the current bullshit.
No, it’s not all legal. But the courts don’t act at the speed of this executive.
This is a breakdown of our government.
I’m curious as to who’s doing the actual force of these things. I know federal employees at the Treasury aren’t expected to be armed resistance, but who, exactly, is behind forcing the way for Musk’s people? Is it police? Private security? His own goons?
Another thing the idiots tearing down USAid don’t seem to realize. It’s not just charity; it’s our insurance. We intentionally overproduce food. Because, as you say, food doesn’t grow from dollar bills.