• 1 Post
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2024


  • The OP article is a synopsis of a synopsis, now so shallow and devoid of nuance to be meaningless.

    Russia and Iran have both undertaken cyber influence operations headed into the 2024 presidential election. In our last report, published on August 8, we detailed how Iranian cyber-enabled influence operations sought to undermine the Republican campaign through targeted hack-and-leak operations, covert social media personas, and imposter US news sites. In the past two months, Microsoft has observed a notable shift in Russian influence operations tactics reflecting the changing U.S. political environment. Specifically, we have observed Russia pivot towards targeting the Harris-Walz campaign, with actors disseminating fabricated videos designed to sow discord and spread disinformation about the new Democratic nominee Vice President Harris.

    Source and an abbreviated summary from MS.

    The lengthy report for those with the interest and technical competance.

    Understanding propaganda, both external and internal, has become critically important to our collective future. Please, read more books: 1984; The Engineering of Consent; The Manufacturing of Consent. Then, do more than vote and engage others locally when doing it.

  • I feel like it will get to the point where AI will start writing code that works but nobody can understand or maintain including AI

    Already there, and have been for awhile. In my work we often don’t understand how the AI itself works. We independently test for accuracy. Then we begin trusting results without verification. But, at no time do we really understand the logic of how the AI gets from input to output.

    If you are able to explain the requirements to an AI so fully that the AI can do it correctly it would have taken shorter time to program by yourself.

    This makes sense for a one-time job. But, it doesn’t make sense when there’s a hundred jobs with only minor differences. For example, the AI writes a hundred AI’s. We kill all but the three to five best models.

  • education about CS/responsible use of technology

    The vast majority of what’s been suggested in the OP and comments focuses on the technical: CS and IT. But, no one’s focused on “responsible use of technology”. I’d like to see a course that focused on the morality and ethics of usage.

    Examples of possible classroom topics:

    1. Is it moral and ethical to spread disinformation as a means to “good” end? Is it acceptable to spread truth if the consequences are likely “bad”?

    2. Is it moral and ethical to use generative AI to effectively libel/slander a political opponent? Does it the analysis change if used for advertising?

    3. Is it moral and ethical to pirate media? Does it depend on what’s being pirated? Does it depend on why it’s being pirated?

    The "problems with such a course:

    1. It’d require prerequisite of basic philosophy/logic and basic CS/IT. It could be a lot of material to cover. Course construction and presentation needs to be focused, rooted in experience, likely a passion project.

    2. The audience may be too young to think in these terms. A little experience goes a long way towards understanding these topics well enough to have a good faith classroom discussion. I don’t intend ageism, in fact the opposite. I think today’s youth are more capable than when I was such an age: Make it known that the course is “hard”. Those that choose it will excel.

  • No. American and allied troops fought in the Vietnam conflict. Our strategy evolved in the Cold War and proxy wars. A proxy war is fought only with fiscal, humanitarian, and arms support.

    For example, we destroyed Afghanistan in the 80’s by supporting the mujahideen fighting against the Soviet Union: a proxy war. Unable to communicate what’s been done, they resorted to extreme violence in September, 2001. So, we fucked 'em all the war back to 17th century religious persecution.

    I’m a born American. I love so much about this country at the roots of the land and people I meet in it. But, it’s totally fucking rotten at the top and we refuse to admit it. If we did then we’d have to do something about it. Then, it quickly becomes obvious that voting isn’t going to do jack shit. That’s scary as fuck.