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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 11th, 2024


  • nice attempted rage bate

    There’s a massive difference between sharing views, IE: “I don’t like billionaires”, and Making threatening remarks, or calling to violence (not ok).

    trying to frame me pointing out that calls to violence are NOT a good look for Lemmy, is not me calling out censorship. That’s you trying to rage bate the conversation into some argument about your rights (which ends where my nose begins)

  • Short Answer - Money.

    Long Answer:

    Money and Greed :p

    But in reality, it’s usually just money. Ultimately if a company has decided that it’s sole purpose for existing is maximization of wealth for it’s owners, it will inevitably tend to go to the traditional business routes and hire executives who are educated in doing exactly that.

    Technology companies in particular are prime for that because everyone hopes to eventually either become the next Apple/Microsoft, or be bought out by them. It’s fast, short term and big money.

    Only time in my career I was laid off was because of this. Brother owners had been running their business for 40 years very well and very employee friendly. We got lots of bonuses and pay outs based on revenues and was an awesome place to work.

    one of the 3 died and so the other 2 decided it was time to retire, and they did exactly this. Went out and hired a CEO who came from a reputable business school, who has done nothing but “be an executive” since graduating, and was purely a sociopath.

    within 3 years the company was a horrendous place to work for. our bonuses nearly all disapeared, or started getting pegged to arbitrary company performance standards and other bullshit. by the end of 3 years 30% of us were then let go.

    All because this shmuck’s primary objective was “maximize the value of the company above all else” and for him, that meant going after the employees. Since we released ZERO product in those 3 years since he took over.

  • I’m fairly new. Finding it hard to get truly into the experience given some of the more extreme takes that Lemmy seems to allow (or at least some federated servers)

    Seems like Lemmee is sadly becoming a fairly isolated echo chamber for certain opinions only.

    edit: An example of “Extreme takes”. Not linking the post. it’s been upvoted 17 times, and online for 18 hours unmoderated: in the post, the user encourages execution. Murder and destruction of property:

    so, as an actual radical:

    yeah pretty spot on with healthcare. this is basic ‘having a society’ shit.

    I don’t want a job that pays so much as an actual society I can contribute to and nurture and be a fucking part of that will take care of me some noticeable fraction of how I take care of it. I’d rather not have money involved, if its all the same to you.

    I do actually want a free place to live. I’ll help build it or whatever, but I’m fucking done compromising with landlord parasites; watched too many of their victims die.

    I do not want corporations to be unprofitable; I want them dismantled and their boards executed. worker co-ops are cool. individual enterprise is cool. no more exploitation, no more not having a voice.

    I think the entire concept we have of ‘democracy’ is absolutely cucked. I could write some essays on what real democracy looks like, but the short version is: fuck your bourgoise elections.

    kill the billionaires; tjwyre literal monsters who drink children’s blood steal and transfuse the blood of the young to grasp vainly at eternal youth while burning our futures. no problem with your party yacht if its green and you built it with your friends, but I think we need a reset on ‘wealth’.

    Reading shit like that a LOT on this site is a massive turn off to the average user, and why I have a hard time truly diving in and giving a shit about it.

    Edited once more: Bolded the problem points I have with above. My issue is not the message itself, but the words and what this user encourages. Don’t gaslight that the language used in that post was beyond reasonable and encourages violence

  • Yeah. Sometimes I don’t know why I bother with the Fediverse. Like, I like the idea, but there’s a fair amount of jank. I think lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works are still federated or whatever. Maybe I’ve gotten myself banned from some communities? I dunno. And I have no idea how/where to check.

    Over the last few days the more glaring issues with the federation way are emerging. I sadly don’t think Lemmy is going to survive once some of the federated servers either get big enough and they have to start dealing truly with the same bullshit posters /bots that reddit does.

    Look at the .ML instance as an example. It is growing to be one of the largest ones, yet The typical post on that is borderline violent. I have read numerous death threats. Rampant Racism and anti-semitism. and the owner/admin of it seemingly agrees with that. I got a temp ban for “reporting too much” for directly reporting around 6 anti semetic and anti - islamic posts. And rading his post history, he’s a staunch Commie who thinks we should kill all capitalists.

    How lemmy.ml continues to be allowed to be federated despite this direction will be the evidenec that federation won’t work if the overall Lemmy experience does not adhere to at least the same standards. Having standards differ wildly like that will just alienate poeple. I Know I don’t know if I’m going to stay long here because of the sheer hate I see supported on Lemmy because certain federated server admins decided that sort of hate is ok on their server

  • There are a lot of people who see housing getting further out of reach. Rents are going up. Homes are too expensive for young people to buy. It’s too expensive for some home owners to move into larger/nicer homes.

    there is absolutely 100% a housing crisis. no argument from me. Please don’t take what I post as some support for the LPC. I AM NOT A LPC voter. I am just frustrated at the purposeful propaganda intended to disrupt government in the desire to put in place a more corporate friendly (historically at least) Conservative government, who has also historically, done even worse for Canadians, while all lying about it.

    a lot of cases, people are seeing their mortgage/rent increase while they’re living in the same place

    nothing new to me. I have a mortgage. I know

    We don’t see any kind of comprehensive plan to get prices from where they are to where they were a decade ago

    because that is not and has never been a goal of the federal government nor has that been ever in their pervue. Especially since the Canadian government has essentially been a Neoliberal free market money growth economy since the era of Mulroney. what you likely want is a shift to that to a more social based governance. Well, you’re not going to get arguments from me there.

    Nobody should be profiting off basic needs until the needs of all are met. I’m a mixed socialist :p

    The simple fact is in a neoliberal and capital based economy, all things inflate. The biggestt problem is that theres a class of people whose incomes did not inflate in line with the rest of society. And nobody seems to want to care about them.

    instead, we see a trickle of piecemeal announcements that talk about tens of thousands of units over decades. It doesn’t seem like enough.

    This comes down to jurisdiction, and actual powers though. What would be the biggest, and most dramatic change to allow for mass building of homes? Fixing the provincial barriers to home building. Those barriers are in the power of our premieres who are all current conservative, and instead of doing anything about it, are saying “BUT ITS TRUDEAUS FAULT!~”" while doing absolutely fucking NOTHING to fix what is in their power. THis is intentional. This is rich developers using their money and power and influence in media to convince the masses (who in their defence, don’t have the time to be OCD about this like me) to hate LPC and put a party in place who have their own nefarious behaviour in the housing crunch. (this is also exactly whats happening with the gas tax, which is 100% the premieres fault for having us pay)

    The CMHC simply needs to be given back power and money to build non-profit housing to meet the needs. Something, that would cost so much money, that it will also get the inevitable “WHOSE PAYING FOR IT” anger and rhetoric.

    (I still can’t figure out why I’m not seeing your posts in the actual communities)_

  • I think you’re underestimating the amount of organic free-range rage that has built up over the past decade. We’ve watched as housing has almost doubled in price.

    I do not. this housing problem started long before the current federal government. I was in the same place 20 years ago when we had a different administration.

    the dollar amounts were different, but housing was still generally outside our reach as single people. this is a result of neoliberalism capitalism, and not any specific actions taken by Trudeau, or even Harper before him (who also massively ramped up immigration despite his own rhetoric). It’s almost like the problem is our desire to stick to neoliberalism for things like housing. But that’s popular because the majority of Canadians agree with it. And in that sense, the government is doing what is best for it’s majority (or perceived)

    At this point, I don’t think conversation is “nobody in government is doing anything”, it’s more “is it going to make a difference?” And “are they doing the right thing?”

    Your arguments are that. which is legit. But no, go read the room a little better and there’s a good chunk of “Liberals are doing nothing”… while they repeat tikto and twitter rants based on misinformation.

    As I claimed originally, there’s a LOT of ignorance being pushed intentionally on the housing crisis in order to put the blame 100% on Trudeau, despite the actual powers and responsibilities falling on what is Currently provinces led by Conservatives. So the argument that it’s somehoow a “LPC” symptom, is misinformation. LPC is doing what they’ve always done, slow or nothing until shit hits the fan. This is the LPC for the last 50 years. and Canadian’s on general like “status Quo” governments who aren’t going to massively shake things up just for 20% of the population. (This isn’t to ignore that we have to fix the 20%)

    iN fact: A Lot of this is NOT organic. Our media in particular is nearly entirely owned by both Conservative party doners, or in the case of Post Media, is 100% owned by Chatham asset management. An American media conglomerate who was found guilty in illegal campaign funding fro Trump, and has outright stated that their goals are to get rid fo the liberal party and ensure conservative messaging. They have outright lied as part of this campaign.,

    Don’t undersell this. Financial advice paints homes as great investments, because of the tax benefits on mortgage payments and sale profit. That is part of the reason Canadians are willing to spend so much on homes - because they expect to cash out with hefty profits. Limiting or removing those benefits would make a huge difference.

    This is not untrue, but it’s a bit simplified.

    Financial advice paints homes as great investments

    Yes it does. The banks and media have pushed this for decades. You cannot sit and read a paper, or listen to news without advertising for home buying as an investment vehicle. But if you dig into why? It’s because the owners of these banks and papers are invested in real estate. And have the money and power to lobby the government for deregulation and access where the rest of us don’t.

    MEANWHILE, it’s those same very rich billionaire paper owners taking that money and investments, publishing about the housing crisis and how you, without a house, should hate Trudeau.

    and yes, I THINK that should all be curtailed and regulated.IMHO, Newspapers and media ownership should be disconnected from the editorial boards of papers, and a “bill of rights” so to speak made which ensures Journalistic integrity, and fact based reporting is mandatory. And in addition, The Budget from these papers should directly count against the campaign funding for the parties they push for. Why is it ok for a newspaper for example to fully endorse a political party and candidate, push only their messaging and narrative, and NOT count towards to the campaing funding for that party?


    Any media conglomerate who endorses a political party should be forced to open their books and have those applied to the political parties campaign rules.

    Does that sound “organic”?

    Especially since the majority of the cause of housing development crunch is the Province. The Province has the authority over developers, how many houses are built, zoning regulations, and laws over building types. Which is the number one reason why housing is a mess. The developers will only build mcmansions or shoebox condos due to profit motive.

    These same developers who in Ontario, ran “Ontario Proud” and were given preferential treatment by Doug Ford for greenbelt land. (which is currently being investigated by the RCMP, and has already cost an MP, and staffer their job in what looks like some handy’s for land acces in vegas, and $1000 per plate wedding invites to Ford’s daughter’s wedding)

    So yes, some of it is organic, but a lot of the rampant hate being directed exclusively in one direction is not. It is being pushed by agendas and individuals who will directly benefit from a Conservative leadership. And I do not believe they care about putting roofs over peoples heads, since you know, pretty much all of them are house investors too (So is dear old Skippy)

    “is it going to make a difference?” And “are they doing the right thing?”

    complete valid discussion to have. One I know you in particular do have. But you can see enough people repeating incorrect misinformation and rhetoric online, that these actual good conversations inevitably get enshitified by people repeating falsehoods.

    because they expect to cash out with hefty profits.

    yes and no. people just want the knowledge that they, when they have to retire, are going to be able to do so with some money in hand. With the constant attack on our social services, especially those by the Harper government, people pivoted to put money into what was already a growing investment market of real estate.

    people living in their homes generally do not give a flying fuck what the current value is since they are actively living there. I can tell you as a home owner, my house value could be 10 million today and I Don’t give a flying fuck. This is my home. my roof over my head. It’s the investor class that cares. And they should not have access to homes while people struggle to find a place to live.

    Sorry for the long post. I don’t believe you’re one of those people I was refering to since you generally are posting with thought in your posts. But there are too many people on social media who read a twitter post by PP or Ford and have immediately gone to spread those false messages and push hateful and divisive speech.

    However, I don’t know if something is wrong with your account as I only saw this in my inbox. Not a single other one of your posts appear anywhere when I browse Lemmy, and I don’t have you blocked so I don’t know what’s going on.

  • There are definitely some federated servers that need to be removed from network

    Lemmy.ml in particular is being used to push specific voices and banning anyone else

    Banned apparently from asklemmy on there because one asshole interpreted me supporting Israel. When my comment exclusively was pointing out that the past the use made was low effort trolling meme in a thread complaining about trolling

    So thank you davel@lemmy.ml for directly evidencing that you, and your node are hateful little agenda pushing shits.

    I want to love lemmy

    But the federated model will fail if nodes like the .ml continue to online and assholes like this mod have zero accountability

    I honestly don’t feel like because I’d these problems this site is any better than Reddit.

    We also need the power to block a node completely from our feeds.(found it in filters) Also to block and ban entire nodes from our own communities as i don’t want any lemmy.ml users in my sub

    Keep being salty little shits ml users. Your proving the point to the rest of the lemmy world

    The biggest mod tool: manual ban entry for preventing certain users. Looking for a way to ban from a community an individual before they show up.