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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024


  • Yeah, but that’s just it, there is no one thing that fulfils all your needs if you are forced to use a particular tool, but it lacks privacy or freedom or other features.

    I use chrome because I have to and also am curious and I need to know about how Google runs its shit. I run Firefox because of various features it has that are good for web development. I run Safari because it is fast and relatively private outside of the Apple ecosystem And has some great developer tools.

    The effort of one keyboard twitch to move from one browser to the other is not really any amount of friction for me. It’s easier than switching from one tab to another inside the same browser, so I don’t get your fixation on a single tool.

    And as a PS, I won’t touch Brave with a 10 foot pole anymore because of their Fuckery with crypto.

  • BIFL isn’t usually really ‘for life’ since we buy practical stuff as adults.

    But… when I was born in the '60’s someone gave me a simple, elegant little steel cup and plate, with cartoon bears engraved in simple lines for decoration.

    The plate is still in the cupboard with the general plate population, and the little cup is perfectly sized for a double shot, so it lives on top of the espresso machine and gets used daily, adding special value each time because it’s a joy to use, and old like me.