Yeah, this too. My dad’s last GPU was AMD and he had to flip flop between versions to fix crashes. I wasn’t as lucky as no driver version was able to calm the crashing.
I’m a nonbinary Canadian Blender artist! You can find my work here: Galleries, commissions, prints, and more!
Yeah, this too. My dad’s last GPU was AMD and he had to flip flop between versions to fix crashes. I wasn’t as lucky as no driver version was able to calm the crashing.
Anything to help them take on Nvidia and stay competitive is a good move. However, I wish they would also announce a recommitment to driver and software stability. I had to move to Nvidia for my workstation rig after having constant stability issues with numerous AMD cards across multiple builds. I can handle a few rough edges or performance that isn’t top-of-the-line but I can’t put up with constant crashes ad driver timeout errors. It’s annoying in games and devastating when I’m working.
I wish their GPU line received even a portion of the polish and care that their CPU line did.
People do tend to hate theft, yeah.
This. If people really want to buy something they will check all available websites for the item(s) they’re looking for. I still use CL exclusively and refuse to touch FB Marketplace even with a burner account because it requires a phone number.
Maybe this will be the lesson that Albertans need to stop electing crooks. Right?
… right?
I wish we did things for own reasons instead of just doing whatever the US told us to do.
I miss my Z10, Q5, and Leap.
You might not. Many Americans might not. But the internet is annoyingly US-centric and can be frustrating to use as a non-American. A random example: Numerous times I’ve gone to sign up/purchase something and put “Canada” as the country and the “State” and “Zip code” boxes never changed. I have been denied purchases and registration several times because the website was coded to only accept US zip codes even if I change the country.
So many sites just assume everyone is American, speaking American English, and interested in American things.
They won’t.
Yes please.
Meh. They had plenty of time to move to Firefox but they ignored all the warnings.
Simple indeed, but getting people to actually stop using that trash heap website has proven to be very difficult.
I am very tired of Twitter users doing nothing but complaining about site changes and Musk yet they still just sit there… doing nothing about it. You’d think it’d be easy to rip the bandage off when it’s covered in fascist propaganda but apparently not.
This. This this this. I drive and cycle and I hate it when drivers try to surrender their right of way to me. Other road users aren’t going to know about it and I am putting lives in danger if I accept their offer.
The absolute best thing you can do, regardless of mode of transportation, is to be where you are expected to be when you are expected to be there. Bending the rules is how people die.
“clogged up side streets” is NIMY talk for “I don’t want to spend an extra 40 seconds driving around the pedestrian zone to get to my destination”.
Banff is a tiny resort town that literally only exists today because of tourism and skiing. If you are upset by your town making accommodations to visitors (it’s sole source of income) then you picked the wrong place to live. But I wouldn’t expect the residents of Banff to understand that the world doesn’t revolve around them.
Subscribed - New
This is a given for many kinds of services. Always purchase subscriptions on another device or direct through their website - never use your Apple devices’ app store.
You just accurately described Canada in two sentences.
Goddamn living here is depressing sometimes.
Suck it, Loblaws.
I love how they’re asking him gently as if he’s a toddler having a tantrum and not the criminally liable fascist he actually is.
Smartphones in general.