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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Warrant officers are notoriously blunt and voices of reason in a command group. They are the realists that usually tell the commander how it is, as opposed to what they think people want to hear since they usually know the most in the room about whatever it is they specialize in. In everything but army aviation there is usually only one or two warrant officers in a battalion of hundreds, maybe thousands of soldiers. They usually only answer to the highest ranking person at the table. Aviation warrant officers are more prevalent in terms of numbers but usually no less opinionated and while overruled very often will gladly tell their commanders how something probably won’t work out like it’s planned and then sit back and watch everything burn like they said it would.

    In my own personal experience, XOs don’t usually grow a spine unless they were outstanding platoon leaders OR after they have been in command of a whole unit.

  • In the American military a warrant officer is a subject matter expert in their career field. They are supposed to be advisors to commanders on the best tactics, techniques, and procedures at most levels, all the way down to the company level in army aviation. They are in most fields of the military like maintenance, personnel, property, aviation, special forces, etc.

    Warrant officers in the American military are commissioned officers, so in some instances they can be used as an XO or detachment commander. They usually have limited Uniformed Code of Military Justice(UCMJ) authority, but are just as capable of running a unit as a captain or a major.

    In the case of Ridley, rank and position aren’t the same thing. Ridley is a warrant officer in the aviation branch, but the third ranking officer after the commander and XO or first officer.

    Warrant officers are supposed to be those people with knowledge that is an inch wide but a mile deep about a certain subject, but they are almost always very capable people and sometimes take on more roles. US Army aviation is the worst about this. They use flight warrants as catch all officers and will use them as supply officers, NBC officers, unit movement officers, or really any other job there isn’t an enlisted person qualified to do the job.

    Most of my experience is US Army aviation, so feel free to take it all with that in mind.

  • That happens all the time. I went through several government contracts where a company would come and under bid the current contract by a significant amount, win the bid, offer the current contractors 3/4 of what they were being paid and fill in the rest with new hires. There is no continuity between contracts so unless a bunch of the old contractors took a pay cut to stay on they would come in and start from scratch with all new processes and procedures and absolutely slow down productivity for all those they were supposed to be providing support.

  • I totally agree, but we don’t ask other public services to do that. Not do I think we should, but why not make it available at City Hall. If you as a community want to help these people, and have agreed to provide public services to a specific problem, why not lean into it. A single social worker in an office at City Hall could probably handle this better than people who preserve our public knowledge.

    I understand the likely hesitation of people in need of something like narcan going to a place like city hall for fear of getting arrested, but if you’re providing public funds and services to help someone why would you arrest them for accessing this resource just because a law enforcement officer happened to see them on their way to get assistance?

  • I am all for this being a public service but why is this up to the library? I understand it is usually a convenient, local place that people can easily get to, but I don’t think most librarians are equipped to deal with someone who needs help in this kind of way. Much like guns shouldn’t be a “hazard of the job” for school teachers, I don’t think librarians should be responsible for this kind of public safety.

    We should invest in community centers with resources for such things. Mental health professionals, trained social workers, public servants specifically trained to help those who might have stumbled along the way.