China #1
Best friends with the mods at c/

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Hell isn’t real, but in this case I hope he went.

    Edit: I’m confused by the downvotes. Are we saying that people that have dedicated their lives to telling others they are going to be eternally punished and are a bad person because of the way they were born should have some sort of eternal reward when it turns out they were fucking hypocrites? I just want to make sure I’m clear on it. The “God hates ****” crowd gets into heaven after they die from having too much gay sex, and we’re OK with that? Coolcoolcool. I guess you can keep the downvotes coming, because I have no love for the clergy and see organized religion and its leaders as a fucking plague on humankind that should be wiped from existence, so my opinion on this matter will not change. They can burn.

  • Oh yeah, god forbid people miss some form of entertainment! Whatever will they do? If only there was INFINITE entertainment out there. The assumed need to consume is bullshit, and people that feel that they must have everything are sucking that fat capitalist teat harder than anyone else, regardless of if they pirate or not. When you start to pull back from the idea that you have to have it all, you realize how little of it you actually need, and then you can be selective with your content consumption.

    Or you can keep watching Disney shows, bitching about how much you hate Disney shows, all while talking to friends and coworkers about Disney shows. Oh, you pirate it? You are still advertising for Disney. You’re a goddamned billboard.

  • Just a reminder that if you don’t like the way that the entertainment is presented, your best option is to ignore it. If you pirate it, you’ll probably talk about it with others. That will lead to engagement, and in turn others will pay to see the content. If you ignore it, then the company gets nothing from you. If you truly want to punish these companies for policies you don’t like, piracy isn’t the answer, boycotting their product is.

    Edit: The downvotes on this prove that you only pirate because you want shit for free, not to protest. You are the same as the looters during marches. You don’t do what you do to make things better, you do it to get free shit. You are the reason we can’t have nice things.