Chloyster [she/her]

Trans rights 🏳️‍⚧️ (she/her)

PFP by

  • 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • GB studio is a really cool engine. I definitely recommend checking it out. I haven’t done much with it, but it’s a great option if you’re looking to make a platformer, or top down adventure game. Extrapolating to code is a bit… Lacking unless you are a fan of assembly haha. There is little to no code writing involved in GB studio, and when you do have to do some, it involves using the GBVM custom assembly language.

    I have heard of game jams :) I did the GMTK 2022 game jam recently. It was a lot of fun! Definitely would love to do one again

  • I was going to make a simple brick breaker kinda game in GB studio. Turns out that engine is really good at very specific kinds of games, and trying to do anything outside that involves some serious engine tinkering.

    So instead I decided to spin up a GBA dev environment to make it. Obviously a lot more involved than the drag and drop interface of GB studio but the homebrew scene is pretty large and there have been lots of tools made to make it easier. Mainly I wanted to make something I could play on my analogue pocket. GBA seems the best choice now

  • I see what you’re saying. I do agree that people should have the opportunity to be educated to at least a baseline understanding of some things. If for nothing else but to avoid being scammed.

    I mean ideally I would just like these companies to be held responsible for doing shady stuff behind the scenes, I don’t think having easy to understand UIs (and as a result, a bit obfuscated from what’s actually happening) and such have to be a bad thing. But maybe it’s too idealistic to want that and expect companies to actually be held accountable if the obfuscation is hiding bad stuff