I am an independent film director and producer who likes to ride his motorcycle in dusty places.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I must chuckle at myself.

    I am one of those extremely odd and strange people who likes very, very many things across many different cuisines…

    …except eggs. Eggs and yellow Summer (or Fortune) squash.

    EDIT: Note, I eat plenty of eggs in things. But, when I run into a whole boiled egg sitting in my food, or a fried egg on top of a bowl of bibimbap, I pick it out. Even more odd: I will eat tamagoyaki without a problem.

  • You are (deliberately?) skipping over the part of awareness.

    Take for example a person who is aware that they cannot act morally when making seemingly normal, banal decisions. For example, they may be aware that when they choose to buy a shiny new cell phone when they have an older-but-still-perfectly-working model, they very likely doing something immoral. Because they are aware of the moral implications of their choice, they can choose hold-off buying a new phone for as long as possible (a morally-positive choice) and perhaps - going a step further - even using that money they would have spent on a new phone to help another person in need directly.

    Most people probably don’t contemplate the moral implications of the purchase of a new phone, this is true and I accept your position this. But it is clearly not “literally every person” as you have said, since it only takes a single person with awareness to disprove your statement. I am certain at least one such person exists (even if anecdotally), so I rely on the word “most” rather than “literally every”.

  • That’s quite the claim.

    Yes, it is, and as explained in the video the original author (and also the person explaining it) admit it is quite a claim, then proceed to demonstrate the veracity of the claim. I suggest you grab a cup of jo, settle in, and watch it. It addresses the points you bring up directly.

    [EDIT: Re: Quite a Claim: Yes, and thus fitting the OP’s “mind-blowing” criteria for the thread :-)]

    The very short answer to “are you immoral for purchasing a cell phone” is “probably yes”.

    The proposition is not an easy one (it accepts it is extreme), but it is hard to deny when you march down the logic.