• 2 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 25th, 2024

  • EVERYONE out pizzas the hut.

    pizza hut is bad chain pizza.

    this has been my opinion since the early 90s and nothing during that time has changed my opinion.

    meanwhile domino’s has gotten markedly better since 2000. if I’m traveling and don’t want to think about what to eat, I’m getting domino’s because I know they’re everywhere. them or papa johns depending on what deal is going on at the time.

  • part of me shitting on third parties is the fact they enable the bad stuff they want to happen, see the elections of 2000 and 2016. but it also needs to be pointed out, repeatedly, loudly, this other point you just nade:


    they don’t have an answer for that. if they do respond they never address that specific point only saying well enough people just have to vote third party.

    none of these people have any clue how our government or elections or voting works. I’ll bet some of them are convinced that because the cheneys endorsed harris it means she’s an even bigger genocider even though they both have said they don’t agree with her politics except for the politics that preserve the constitution. they’re dead enders man.

  • it’s all about party purity for them.

    I’ll be honest here. I’m not a registered democrat. never have been. I find myself aligning mostly with the greens on a lot of issues. but I’m never voting for a green. because I know that if I want stuff that I favor to happen, voting for a party that never campaigns, never organizes, and never puts up credible people who have done the public service work isn’t just a fool’s errand it’s political idiocy. that’s why I vote for democrats.

    I know they aren’t perfect. but I also know they know how to organize and get shit done politically, even if they water down their own legislation to appeal to their conservative wing and water it down even more to appeal to republican who will never vote for it but I digress.

    the point of elections is to set the government at whatever level to go in the direction you want. and voting for the option that will only win in a microscopic probability but is more likely to make it easier for the party and candidate I vehemently disagree with to win is beyond stupid, it’s purposefully destructive. to what end? it makes no sense.

  • I don’t think that you need any more proof that all of these pop up third party efforts are simply republicans funding some of the most ostentatious left wingers out there in order to ratfuck democratic presidential efforts. none of these people can win 270 electoral votes because they aren’t on enough ballots to get there. FACT.

    anyone who tells you that they can still win is a political idiot who doesn’t know what they’re talking about and should be ignored or someone with a vested interest in making sure that democrats get fewer votes than they should letting the only other viable party option win. left wingers included.

    if there were a real serious third party looking at real electoral victories they should start organizing at the local level with a real long term strategy of growth and do it for all years, not just the ones divisible by 4. by not doing anything except in a presidential election year they are only reinforcing and perpetuating the “corrupt duopoly” they hate so much.

  • i had to login for some functions at work. i believe the minimums were 8 characters, 1 caapitol, 1 number. and we all hated it, because the passwords had to be changed every 90 days, and you couldn’t reuse passwords. eventually you are going to run out of things you can reasonably use that you could remember and then would be forced to use some sort of password manager. but OOPSIE you couldn’t install any software on the office computer so you would have to resort to writing them down somewhere. it was a mess.

    fortunately corporate decided to just change the entire system adopting most of these rules, min 15 characters, no special character, no hints, no forced changing passwords unless you think you have been compromised or just want to change it. we do have to use 2fa to access some things if you aren’t sitting at the office computer but other than that people are much happier about passwords now.

  • there are too many points of failure for me to ever be comfortable using the cloud as a primary storage option.

    i’ve always maintained this opinion when “the cloud” started being touted as being the future. and yet more corporations (including mine) are reliant on it. i mean sure, i can log in on my home computer and have some access to stuff as though i were physically at the office but that convenience ain’t worth the headache if the main storage site crashes.

  • you’re going to get that when

    a) western media and journalists are deathly afraid of being labeled antisemites for reporting on what the secular government of israel is doing and

    b) cable news viewers skew overwhelmingly republican and conservative who are already antimuslim and pro israel to begin with.

    these are the people who are keeping the current administration from telling it like it really is. because I honestly don’t believe that bibi would be as empowered to do what he’s been doing in gaza if the us government isn’t actively publicly condemning in plain language what has happened already.

  • I’m not really a fan because in a lot of cases it forces you to download stuff you might not want just to establish and maintain an acceptable ratio so eventually you can get the stuff you do want.

    if I wanted something obscure and not really interested in the popular thing I’m either wasting bandwidth and/or server space starting out or searching for that thing on a public tracker.

    the one private tracker I do use is extremely generous with upload credits for newbies and I was able to take advantage of that plus contribute something right away so I didn’t and still don’t have any issues but I know that’s not the case with some people.