• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Who cares what they think.

    I do, because those people are either my employers or my customer base, and I need their money to survive.

    If we lived in a perfect world where everyone had their own 40 acres and a mule and didn’t have to depend on other people to survive, I’d believe you. But we don’t, and as a member of society I am dependent on these people to live.

    And most people are aware of this, and don’t really want to give a meaningful answer to my question because that would mean losing the power they wield over me, so the only meaningful response is to dismiss the reality of the situation or wrongly frame it as an emotional issue when it is anything but. My fear over it is extremely justified. People, including rich and powerful celebrities, have lost everything over this.

    Take Sinead O’Connor, for example, who was cancelled in the 90’s for opposing the Catholic Church and trying to expose their sex abuse scandal. And she died, her reputation having never really been repaired, in the U.S. at least.

    It matters. It’s real. And it’s a very, very valid concern. What other people think doesn’t just matter, it means everything if one wants to live.

  • It does, and it’s a possibility that terrifies me. A lot of the celebrities who are cancelled are cancelled for justifiable reasons, granted (especially scumbags like R. Kelly), but it can happen to ordinary people for unjustifiable reasons, too, meaning anyone who seeks to do anything in life has to live with a sword of Damocles hanging over their head. Meaningful relationships with others can’t be built if the dynamics of that relationship include the fact that that other person has untold, unchecked power over you and you have legitimate reason to be afraid of them, given that it’s a thing.

    I want to own businesses in my life and even saying that has earned the ire of, by my count, at least one person in this thread. What’s to stop them from doxxing me and putting my personal information on blast all over the fediverse, or even old social media like Twitter, preventing me from ever being able to pursue my dreams simply because they don’t like capitalism? What’s to stop the right wing from doxxing me and sending me death threats if I gain a following and then speak out against them to that following, or boycotting my business because I put up a pride flag for Pride Month? How can community even be possible with the threat of something like that happening to you in existence?

  • Get outside your own bubble and realise that getting ‘cancelled’ rarely has any real material consequences.

    Tell that to the poor victim of the Steubenville, OH rape. She was cancelled by that entire town because of what was done to her, not because of what she did. Other townspeople burned her house down because she came forward. Stuff like that happens to people all the time, even if not under such extreme circumstances, either through no fault of their own or they’re actually in the right in a confrontation but just face a determined group of bigoted people, like the Bud Light boycott.

    Being ostracized or cancelled or whatever you wish to call it has demonstrably and nightmarishly gruesome consequences for its victims, and it can happen to anyone over anything whether justified or not. It is very much something anyone who seeks to participate in civilized society has to prepare and plan for, hence the thread.

  • No, not really. I am just very cognizant of the fact that this is a very real possibility, especially given my chosen career path (I’m going to be a business owner). The possibility that something that will take me many years to build can be lost in the timespan of a day, all because one person or a group of people got mad at me, terrifies me. The whole point of being a business owner is to be independent and free from the influence, and negative behavior, of others, but, at least the way our media portrays life, everyone is extremely vulnerable to being “cancelled” in that sense at any time for any reason. It even happens to people just working regular jobs. It’s a very real threat to one’s life that needs to be addressed and planned for, I just don’t know how and hoped others on Lemmy would.