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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Yet another terrible thing about prisons - they target policing in urban areas where the population is high and tends to vote Democrat. Once arrested, tried, and convicted, that person is sent to a prison in the middle of nowhere - and now counts toward the population of that area, but cannot vote themselves.

    Population is used to determine how congressional districts get allocated, and they haven’t increased the number of congressional seats in decades. So as the prison population rises, they are gaining seats at the expense of urban areas losing the same number.

    It’s literally an updated version of the 3/5 compromise.

  • Regressives the world over are not creative. They do what they do because they believe others will do it. They’re bullies because they were bullied, and they don’t want to be the victim, so they erroneously believe that means they have to strike first.

    They never stop to think, “What if the world weren’t shit? What can I do to make it better?” They accept as a fact that it is shit, and they believe the only way to come out ahead is to step on someone else.

    When you get several of these people/groups pointing at each other, it becomes an infinite cycle.

  • Most arguments about wait time are conflating two issues: how long from when you check in to when you see the doctor, and how long between when you try to make an appointment and the date of that appointment.

    The US system is not terrible for wait times on appointments, and depending on your type of insurance it’s not terrible to see a specialist. But there are some niche practices that are horrible wait times, such as endocrinologists.

    The US system “solves” the office wait time issue by dinging doctors for spending more than 7 minutes per patient.