There is a tiny hole in the roof of my mouth that i can suck air through.
tired tired tired
There is a tiny hole in the roof of my mouth that i can suck air through.
Tried it on an Asus eeePC after an SSD swap, nice and kind of fun to use distro.
This was literally posted like two days ago, the cope is real
if youre doing homework, i recommend writing out truth tables for the statements and comparing, gives you a bit more insight into the statement truth conditions
6.1.0 for those curious
if you’re doing min(a, b) wouldn’t your target then be 1?
IF you want it to work like windows. It’s up to you, people here are giving you the options to choose whichever suits you.
ebay has cheap intel gigabit nics which i havent had issues with
A sticker is probably cheapest
Are these Red Hat employee moderators in the room with us?
I made it myself, i’ll see if i can dig it out. Are you on linux or windows?
on intel cards?
I used to run a script that recorded the stream while it was live using Streamlink and then i had the vod locally saved. Wont get you access to vods of past streams but the simplest solution for fresh streams.
Put them in a raidz2 situation