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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Sup, Ganesh! I’m HandOfDumb :) This is a neat question you’ve asked and I’m stoked to see more answers.

    I was raised in Catholicism, though my family has, largely, stopped following that specific religion so closely (though many are still religious). I don’t follow any specific religion and am unsure what I consider myself - atheist fits well enough!

    Somethings that stick for me are many of the kindnesses that live within bible stories. There’s a lot of good stuff in there, of course! And most of (what I consider to be) the good stuff is along the lines of being a good person. But some of it is kinda off-beat.

    Like, there’s a bit in there about a proclamation that people should forgive debts after some seemingly arbitrary amount of time (seven years?) and that really jibed with me. Not the time part, but just forgiving pals/family you might have loaned money to. If I spot a friend $5 for something, I’m not going to hold it against them and ask them to repay. If they do repay? Great! But I will never expect it and I will not be offended if they do not.

    Similarly with larger sums. If I’m okay to loan it to someone, I’m okay to lose it.

    Anyhoo, I think it’s awesome that you like cows :) they remind me of big ol’ dogs and I like them very much. They can teach us more than they can fill our bellies, I think!

  • There’s tons of good comments here. Mine will echo some! I just wanted to share my experience.

    I have three hobbies that I’ve explored since moving to a new city in my 30s - axe throwing, pinball, and making music.

    I found a local axe league and joined for a season. One season has become four :) The people I throw axes with are wonderful and varied. While we may not have crossed paths otherwise, they’re fine folks and I consider many my friends.

    I went to a local pinball bar for a casual tournament and have been going every other week since. It a supportive community and I’ve had a great time learning about the games and learning about the folks on my various teams.

    I answered a Craigslist ad for a band looking for another member. We’ve clicked quite well and have practices together, go out together, record together, and even play shows!

    Exploring your own hobbies in some sort of structured way might be a good step in your own quest :) Good luck!

  • That’s some cool artwork! I’m glad you found a good concentrate to vape :) they can be rough sometimes. I’ve never coughed harder than when I accidentally took a huge puff off a poor pen.

    Disposable vapes got me (and I’m sure so many of us) through both good and bad times - they’ve been my go-to when I’m outta town and fit nicely in my suit pocket for weddings and shit, lol. Finding good stuff inside a disposable vape? Even better!

    But I will say that, since swapping to a detachable battery, it’s been so much easier to find live resin, live rosin, and other good stuff in simple, battery-less cartridges. I haven’t busted into filling my own cartridges yet but that seems like the next logical step in stonerdom, lol.

    Could be worth looking into for yourself, if you become a big ol’ vape dawg! Or even if you don’t - some of the battery options out there just seem awesome. I’ve got one that the cartridge like, fits partially inside of? So it’s pretty overall small and plenty discreet, lol.

    Anyhoo, I’m rambling. Thanks for sharing, dude!

  • Lol no kidding. Glad we made it out the other side! I’m assuming you’re from the US as well?

    Aside from the initial class meeting, my bowling credit was largely “independent study”, meaning I just had to log 9 games a week at the school’s rec center bowling alley.

    I mistakenly did the math one day. I don’t remember the figures (thank goodness) but I’d have saved a lot more money than I thought (for a cheaper state school) just…bowling 9 games a week at the local bowling alley.

    But where’s the prestige of a college credit approved by my professor, a fella that I think played Lollipop Chainsaw on the Xbox + “Party in the USA” over the PA every day I went in that summer? Lol

  • This might be rudimentary for some folks, but anyone like me: meet with counselors regularly to make sure you’re on-track for graduation!

    I was my own counselor. I used the course catalogs to determine what courses I needed to take to graduate. I thought I was doing well til I found (during what I assumed was my last semester) that I needed additional math credits and anothet credit in some other weird category to graduate. I took summer courses of Pre-Calc and Bowling to graduate a semester later than expected.

  • The idea of international travel with weed scares the hell outta me.

    What happens if you get caught depends on the country, really! But you’re likely to be in the shit since it’s international.

    This is all just my opinion. I’m not a lawyer.

    Like, so many people travel with drugs - most successfully. I’ve known many folks who claim to have taken their vapes or shit internationally and been fine.

    It’s not like the authorities can catch everyone who has a cartridge or a few edibles or whatever. But what about the people that do get caught? Maybe most get a slap on the wrist, but I’d be super nervous to become someone who is made an example of.

    I’m sure most countries you may get caught in can toss hefty international drug trafficking charges at ya if they wanted and, while it’s not likey to stick…you’re still getting charged internationally and that’ll complicate things for as long as that whole process takes. Lawyers, courts, possible jail time…not worth it, to me. And shit, if it does stick? Big yikes. And that’s gonna fuck everything up later if you ever wanna travel internationally again, what with a record and all. Not to mention the monetary expenses.

    I know I sound like a Nervous Pervis but I’d definitely advise big-time caution with international travel and weed. I’m even scared to drive through all the states of my home country (looking at you, Idaho USA) because of the whacky shit cops can do to fuck up your life over some edibles.

    I have heard of folks relying solely on edibles that look like other things. Mints come to mind. Anything that looks and smells like Altoids might as well be Altoids, right?

    Anyhoo, flying domestically is another story. I live in a legal state, so it seems like it’d be fine to bring a few packs of edibles and a vape on domestic flights, lol. Figure if one gets caught in security going out, they make ya toss it. Flying back home out of an illegal state though, I’d make sure any weed is good and gone before security, as I hear they defer to local law enforcement and that could be bad.

    Good luck to you on your travels!