• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I think if, culturally, we have a value shift (it’s already happening imo) then we can properly commodify important aspects nature. e.g., how much value is there in reducing in our CO2 output? How much value is there in preserving these species? Right now, we don’t place enough value on it, and that’s why I think regulations are incredibly important in a capitalist system. We certainly need more of it, but we also need it globally so companies can’t just jump ship to other places where those values aren’t in place.

  • I can agree with the “so far” qualifier. Things can always be improved, and yes many other systems look great on paper. I am just waiting for the evidence of those other systems functioning in practice. Personally, I would not my country to be the guinea pig in case it backfires. I am content with my western country and its generally current standard of living over past generations and civilizations.