I was a backer for the Beats of Rage crowdsource. The FP is LEGIT a great movie. It’s mad problematic, sure, but great.
I was a backer for the Beats of Rage crowdsource. The FP is LEGIT a great movie. It’s mad problematic, sure, but great.
As someone who’s family is from Alabama, I hard agree with your grandma. Where was she from? And can I steal her line?
Cool, I stopped being lazy and looked up the DVB standards. TIL: a bit about digital broadcast transport methods.
Thanks, I know very little about how DVB works but that makes sense. What is the limitations for DVB-S/C ?
Can you use something like a rtl-sdr for its original intended purpose of decoding digital tv?
What are tha advantages of this over set -o vi?
I recently copied ~1.6T from my old file server to my new one. I think that may be my largest non-work related transfer.