A bobcat. It casually sauntered through the neigborhood and hung out at a local park. I watched it for about five minutes from about 30 feet away.
If you like eagles, visit Sitka Alaska. They’re as common as pigeons up there.
(Just bigger, and scarier. Have you seen their claws?)
Another day hour, another weird statement from a GOP member
I was going to mention my worst birthday, but it pales in comparison to this. I hope you’re better now.
Yeah, it’s the old “Get’m to fight among themselves while we steal them blind” trick.
Thank you for posting about OpenEVSE. I’m in the market for an EVSE and was not aware of this option. Did you buy a product or a DIY kit?
Can confirm. These are native in my area. Springtime is glorious in my front yard.
Fuck no, don’t drag us into your stupid religious war. It’s past time for the US to stop supporting that terrorist country and instead support bringing the war criminals to justice.
Has anyone been able to verify that he actually said this? The story stems from a Twitter post, and Miller apparently did do an interview on Newsmax on that date. But did he really say this? I’m suspicious because only that one source seems to be available.
NEVERMIND… Talking Points Memo noticed it also
Yeah, that or “Politically Correct”
You gotta hand it to those US “Defense” industry lobbyists. The US is now shoveling money towards that industry to support both sides of the “it’s OK to invade our neighbors” argument. In Israel’s case I guess it helps that that country also has lobbyists.
So this is the real reason why Trump cancelled his Springfield visit.
“with 74% of young Democrats saying they will “definitely” vote,”
Yes! The rest of us need you to do this too. We need your help!
But not brave enough to debate a woman again.
In my neighborhood taking stuff left at the curb is the norm. Sometimes we‘ll leave a sign to clarify something is free. There have been times when I’ve taken something, used it for a while, then put it back out in the curb for someone else to enjoy.
Finally, proof that religion is (socially accepted) mental illness?
Well how long to you think that’s going to last? They are for-profit companies after all.
If they can base their business on stealing, then we can steal their AI services, right?
Even though the delay itself feels like a crime, I agree that voters giving Republicans a clear trouncing this November will accelerate their irrelevance, and make more severe Trump’s sentence. If clear enough, the entire house of cards could come tumbling down.
Progressives? How about calling us what we really are: rational adults!