Vain lisko.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2022


  • It was such an iconic machine. Ironically, at the time I hated them. (I probably still wouldn’t want to use one even now, but now I only have to look at pictures of them, and they admittedly are nice to look at.)

    I had a friend in high school whose family had one of these in their living room, and it was running OS 9. It was practically useless, but I forget what he did on it. I seem to remember that it ran World of Warcraft, but now I’m questioning my memory if that was really possible or not.

  • Slippery slope fallacy. Also a lot of people actually don’t know that alcohol causes cancer and heart disease as well as homicide, etc. A lot of gullible people drink it because they are socially led to believe that it’s OK or perhaps even necessary, but these are not thinking or informed people. The fact that you call legitimate health information about alcohol “propaganda” shows that you’re not really in the “know” camp, doesn’t it?