'M' as in 'MANCY'

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Sorry but awful episode. The writing for Sylvie has completely deteriorated and Jonathan Majors, who normally is a very good actor, was a total misfire. I understand that he’s portraying a variant thus different mannerisms, but this was just too much and too deliberate. I honestly hated every single moment of this episode and I’m losing interest fast. The more questions they introduce without answers the less I care.

  • Wow. This was…bad. Visually stunning but that’s about it. Screenplay was trite and inept. John David Washington was awful. It’s quite frustrating because it could’ve been something more. The production design was so gorgeous and I generally enjoyed the world building. It’s the lack of any character development and the clunky screenplay that’s really dragging this down. What a disappointment.

    Also, go home Hans Zimmer. That score was so heavy-handed, it drove me fucking crazy.

  • I don’t see many providers in my life that prescribe semaglutide to non-diabetic people who aren’t considered overweight. Social media isn’t real life. Most providers won’t prescribe medications for weight loss unless the BMI supports it. The fact of the matter is that A LOT of people in Canada and US are overweight and with that comes with a slew of health complications that frankly I’d like to mitigate for my patients.

  • Most health care providers go over risks and benefits prior to initiating any kind of treatment. What the hell are you on about?

    If I have an overweight patient who has tried for years to lose weight but can’t sustain it (which is the case for most overweight people) and are at risk for metabolic diseases and cardiovascular complications, and I have something that evidence tells me can help with weight management, you bet your ass I’m going to talk about it as an option.

    Or would you prefer that fat people remain fat until they develop diabetes (and its various associated complications) before I’m even allowed to discuss semaglutide?

    Patients are oftentimes aware of the potential side effects and the rebound weight gain. People don’t jump straight to an expensive injectable drug as the first option for weight management. It’s something that they try after a string of failed attempts by other means.