Maybe they will be a little less invasive of privacy
Maybe they will be a little less invasive of privacy
I really dont think we should be bending over backwards to accommodate blueskys clearly inferior protocal when activpub is objectivly better
No they are not. Btw here in aus we got 2 buttons for water saving purposes.
Please enlighten me to what rights are being removed
There isn’t going to be camps, stop bloody stressin.
I havnt been ostracised by anyone recently, actually. I think u may be projecting a little i hope u can work through that to be more civil to those u disagree with.
Ill take the downvotes as a compliment ive always liked pushing the boundary of thought crimes.
Block away. Build ur little echo chamber
This is the issue u are purposely neglecting the possibility that u cqn disagree about ideas without being abusive. If they are actually abusive sure cut them out of ur life sure. Disagreeing about ideas isnt abuse its the human condition.
Activpub is winning. Fuck yeah lets goooooooooo
So ur encouraging people to hate and never speak to the people who literally raised them over an idea? For what having an opinion you dont like? I cant possibly see why politics is so polarised nowdays.
As much as i dont want russia using our tech for war i dont think a remote kill switch in all tech is a great idea.
So now ur calling me a fascist cos i disagree about the definition of a word? That is the most immature load of horse shit in the history horse shit.
Thats how words work u use combine multiple concepts together to create a new things that encapsules the whole. For instance if u where to define a table as having legs a table top etc then some moron claimed well i have legs ur definition sucks that wouldnt be a good faith interpretation would it?
Is she gonna claim election interference and that it was stolen cos people got real mad when trump did that.
Gotta love the ai restrictions anyone with the tiniest bit of technological skill can access uncensored models for wayyy cheap but they keep the mainstream ones censored lol.
America is addicted to its cheap disposable and abusable workforce.
So does openai whats ur point?
I would prefer if you would critique the ideas, instead of calling me a mush brained trash person. Insults are not good faith engagement of ideas.
I wasnt aware that using a word then providing a definition when asked was was a contradictory and reactionary thought proccess of the far right.
Do u have an alternative word u would prefer me to use instead of woke to describe the outlined definition i provided?
Woke ideology is a social and philosophical movement that prioritizes identity politics, cultural Marxism, and social constructivism.
It emphasises:
This then meads to:
Cant u do that with newpipe?