You might want to crack a sex education reader with special attention to possibilities of error.
Unfortunately, young and uninformed people will keep falling in love and getting tingly about it.
You might want to crack a sex education reader with special attention to possibilities of error.
Unfortunately, young and uninformed people will keep falling in love and getting tingly about it.
libraries need human rights supporters to just show up and normalize the room as often as possible so badly right now.
Just being there and looking proPOC and proTrans makes the space more accessible to everyone, except the people who are frustrated by inclusive community practice flouting their desire to hunt and torture for sport.
This still sounds like violent conversion therapy. What an aweful, merciless god you make of yourself.
This reads like someone screaming out a window that the building is on fire. This is a very citable factsheet for any vet that wanted to talk to someone about how they don’t like it.
from a site that would rather talk about ROTC gossip, biopics and plane parts? not that i’m saying the rest of the site looks deep red, but i haven’t gone to fetch the ladder yet. (eventual paywall)