• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Hmm…interesting. I would have figured it would be more akin mechanically speaking to being suffocated, as those scenarios also deprive the body of oxygen. Maybe the difference is that the action of breathing out and then breathing back in would be expelling any remaining oxygen from the lungs without replacing it with more oxygen?

    I am having a hard time following how it renders immediate unconsciousness though, given that one could simply breathe out to empty their lungs and then hold their breath for a short period of time without being rendered unconscious, and in theory that should be comparable. Sounds like I might be missing something key here that likely accounts for the disconnect.

  • I’m going to say that while everything I’ve read on the matter supports the “it’s one of the more pleasant ways to go” argument, I’d be more interested in reading expert opinions on the matter before coming to a concrete conclusion.

    The lawyers on both sides of the case should be consulting with doctors and medical researchers to understand what the experience would consist of, how long it would take, the efficacy, side effects if it fails, etc. This is the information that I think should be the deciding factor for proceeding or not.

    I will also say that while oxygen deprivation is quick, it’s not instant. It does take up to a few minutes in some cases before brain death to occur, and something to the order of 30 seconds to a minute for unconsciousness to set in.

    My personal opinion based on the information so far, assuming that everything I’ve read is factual, would suggest that of all the execution routes available so far, this one is likely the least awful. I won’t say most humane, as I don’t really believe there is a humane way to approach it. If we do have to use the death penalty though, I think this is the approach I would have the fewest objections to.

  • Fortunately I haven’t been puking, but got pretty close. I’m mostly recovered now but I’ll have to keep that in mind. The doctor set me up on a round of prednisone and that seems to be knocking it.

    I’ve only had these kinds of migraines a handful of times and fortunately they’ve gone away on their own, though I had one that was like 10 days (which I know because it made me break down and download a migraine tracker). That was brutal. Figured after that one, and seeing that this one was taking its time I decided to call the doc, though I might just try the ER next time to see if they can do something even quicker.