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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Yes, it’s not much different from tipping. Puts the burden of responsibility in the wrong place. If a business wants to support charities and use it in marketing, just give money to charities and tell people how much it was. And/or give people the contact details of the charities if you want to promote them.

  • Reroll at what point? “Hey, kids, today you’ll learn about resurrection, and what that booth is for”. There could be billions of people with no clue about the rules, let alone trust in how it would work.

    And it’s just that much messier if non-humans are part of the cycle. Hundreds of billions of farm animals and semi-domestic species like rats, and all the rest of nature. They don’t get opt-outs.

  • “More competition” meaning less access, people having to pay for multiple different services instead of having it in one place.

    The competition should be about having the best platform, not exclusive content. There’s no reason why the same show couldn’t be on two different platforms. And available globally. Practically, all you really need is more local servers for where there’s more traffic.