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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • (Kent Brockman voice) JUST TAKE A SCREENSHOT, PEOPLE!!

    Aside from reading comprehension, it seems as though people absolutely lack the ability to problem solve. Head scratching is as far as many will go. I can’t count how many times I’ve found inefficient, tedious, or straight up broken systems or out of date info in my office and when I ask people if they’ve ever contacted IT about it or tried to figure it out they just say “Eh, nah, I just leave it and it works itself out.” No. My guy, you’re just doing it wrong/taking an extra 15 minutes to do everything you’re doing because of the workarounds.

  • Mm, I think what you’re likely arguing about is super contentious, AND complex. I agree that picking the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil (because it is, it says so right in the phrase!). That isn’t to say you’re necessarily endorsing the second evil, or that youre evil for making the choice. The world is fucked up and complex and no one is perfectly good.

    But yeah I think conversations around voting, especially in the US, are really difficult to have because people are extremely opinionated and none of us REALLY know what would happen if we stopped voting altogether, which makes a lot of people anxiously compelled to do it(such as myself)

  • I’m pretty decent with tech. I definitely know to turn things off and on again, check wifi connection, etc. I’m good with troubleshooting and such, but the IT person at my work who I interact with most treats me like I’m SO DUMB. But I try to remind myself that there are probably so many people who don’t know where the power button is on any of their devices lol.

    An example: I get logged out of an account on my computer, so I go to reset my password. The password reset requires an account number that I don’t have

    Message to IT: hey, I need to reset my password for this program, can you send me the account number for it?

    IT: on the main login page, beneath the password bar, there should be a link that says “forgot password?” Click that and you should be able to reset it

    Me: 😑 explains that if you click on that link it requires you to enter account number to reset it

    IT: oh

  • Most recently the complete lack of understanding of a wet bulb temperature comes to mind. In articles discussing this, people completely left out the “wet bulb” part, which they didn’t understand, and went on to post comments about “65 DEGREES IS NOTHING, IT REGULARLY GETS OVER 90 WHERE I LIVE!!!”. The audacity of some folks. It took me 5 seconds to Google wet bulb temperature to not look like a dumbass saying something like that with my whole chest lol

  • It’s like night and day…I don’t even think the kraft stuff is parmesan at all really. Still bomb on pizza though

    Ever since I worked at a hippie grocery store and was taught about what GOOD fresh organic food looks like and tastes like, it’s impossible for me to go back to things like that, or frozen bags of green giant veg, or pre sliced or shredded cheese and so on. I’ll still eat frozen pizza and nuggies and fast food but as far as cooking for myself, never again

  • ratboy@lemm.eeOPtoADHD@lemmy.worldLooking for tips on eating
    1 year ago

    I get bored kind of easily depending on the food. Batch cooking and meal prepping are things I really want to do, though. Like having one or two Sundays a month where I just go crazy and drink beers and cook all day actually sounds fun…but then it’s the prep part (figuring out freezable recipes, buying the right amount of ingredients, making sure I have the right kind and amount of tupperware).

    At this point though even cooking one meal feels off the table, it’s wild. I’m hoping that the extreme aversion will just be a phase cuz I do love eating lol

  • Oof; maybe they should hire a different real estate agent if they didn’t suggest cleaning up a tad bit more…It looks like the people who live here have kids which can make cleaning a nightmare…Or they may have ADHD or depression and let it all get too overwhelming to tackle…But there are definitely people who just don’t mind it at all. I’ve deep cleaned things and shown housemates how dirty the floor/tiles/whatever is, and they end up really shocked because they just couldn’t see that whatever it was was dirty at all. It’s wild to me

  • Wow, I was going to say Kale, easily…but it definitely looks like you have some Collards in there, and I see what looks like Radish greens like another commenter mentioned…have you tried digging around in there to see if there are multiple bunches competing with eachother in that tiny space? That’s what it looks like to me.

  • Dang, this is a tricky one. At the surface, if the airline reimburses the miles easily, then no, you’re not the asshole. Fuck airlines, stealing is ethical in my world if you’re stealing from giant businesses. But, if they don’t reimburse, then you WOULD be the asshole. But then there is the unethical layer where the hacker is stealing from/violating the privacy of an average person which is super not okay in my book. So, if it had to go one way or another, I would learn towards YTA. If the miles were simply stolen straight from the airline somehow, then it would be no issue imo.