Numbers must go up at all costs. By the time the company’s reputation hit rock bottom, the CEO already jumped ship to the next company.
Numbers must go up at all costs. By the time the company’s reputation hit rock bottom, the CEO already jumped ship to the next company.
If you’re getting targeted ads for penis enlargement pills, then the system thinks you have a small pp. If this is an error, you should submit photographic evidence to their office to prove you don’t have a small pp.
I assume they won’t allow porns in ads, but you can still get worse stuff than porn, like erectile dysfunction medication ads which causes people around your seat to look at you with sorry eyes.
The whole point of crypto is to be immutable, so that money is simply lost to him now.
IIRC there are several cases where some group of people lost big enough coins and force most of the miners to fork to get their money back. Not bitcoin though.
They notify but iirc only if you push a commit to a public repo. The dev in the article pushed it to a private repo, then later made the repo public.
Thank you for the correction!
Won’t this cause subtle but serious issue? Kinda like how pomegranate translates to “granada” in Spanish, but when you translate “granada” back to English it translates to grenade?
Every once in a while security researchers would discover sophisticated exploits that would allow malwares to take over your computer via multimedia files, but those are actually rarely exploited in the wild by run off the mill malwares.
Unless you’re an important person being targeted by hackers and three letter agencies, your biggest source of threat is running infected programs from untrusted sources, e.g. cracks downloaded from random torrents or warez sites, shady sites serving ads that trick you to run some executables, etc.
How do you sanitize ai prompts? With more prompts?
Future historians will have a lot of trouble identifying fake ai news when studying our current era.
If we fire all developers and allow AIs to program themselves, the AIs are going to commit virtual seppuku after a few days.
Eradication? If anything, streaming services turn the sex dial to 11 for a while now. It’s as if they won’t greenlight a new show unless it has a certain amount of sex and nudity scenes.
Then why does tidal for the same price as spotify with way less users pay four times as much to the artists than spotify?
I wonder why too. Spotify takes a 30% cut, but even if Tidal takes 0% cuts, how come it can pays 4x as much to artists? There must be more to the math to make it check out.
If you download apps from fdroid, at the very least you can be sure that the binary is 100% generated from the provided source code, the devs can’t pull a switcheroo like submitting an altered version of app (e.g. inserting malware) that doesn’t match the published source code.
Iirc they already validate licence online long before going subscription only.
The software update will remove dependency on the driver seat occupancy switch from the software and only rely on driver seat belt buckle and ignition status to activate the seat belt reminder signals.
Now I’m interested how it worked before and under what circumstances it failed. When the driver is too skinny? Squatting to hover their ass over the seat?
I have to unsubscribe from some of kbin’s magazines because bots constantly posting spam there in past few months. It’s bad. I didn’t know the dev runs double duty as mod as well.
When the account is marked as missed the assigned fixed payment term, it’s basically a delinquent account, right?
Errant settings that marked the account as delinquent/unpaid at the end of the month, triggering immediate and irrecoverable account deletion. Basically, the scariest part of the google cloud is if they think you can’t pay anymore, even if it’s a mistake, your account will be wiped along with the backups. They did say they’ll have more safeguard after this, but finger crossed.
Don’t threaten me with a good time!