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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Libraries have existed for centuries and somehow books are still being sold. Philosophically I believe information should be free and piracy is functionally the modern equivalent of libraries.

    Piracy is a service and access problem. When the only subscription you needed was Netflix to get all the best content I didn’t pirate TV. That landscape is changing rapidly and I’m back to flying the Jolly Roger for any shows or movies I might want to watch. I’d genuinely prefer not to pirate if it means supporting the creators, easier access and a fair price.

    That said I do support creators I like and I’ve happily spent money on everything from YouTube memberships, patreons, Kickstarters, podcasts, etc. I tend to prefer ways of supporting that cut out the egregious publishing industries, in fact that’s a large part of how I became a fan of Andy Weir in the first place.

    As far as discoverability goes, I think it’s easier than it’s ever been, we’re far past the need for publishers to get content out there when it comes to indie books, music, videos and games. Though I do agree it can be hard for people starting out. There has to be a perfect storm of quality + viral success, but that’s not much different to landing a publishing deal.

    In a perfect world I’d like to see an open standard for multimedia. I should be able to browse for media on a protocol similar to federation or HTML, where I can connect to that protocol with a media browser of my choice, and the monetization is set by the creators instead of the platform they’re hosted on. That’s a bit of a pipe dream, I know, but it’s always felt strange to me that I need a dozen different locked down apps for each service when I’m functionally consuming the same type of media across all of them.

    At the same time we are inevitably moving toward a future where automation will render obligatory employment obsolete and impossible for everyone, so we will need to figure out how to take care of more than just artists. I do think that would play a massive role in how we look at copyright all together.

  • listen at work so I can easily get through 3 or 4 books a week. Audible has never been a reasonable value proposition to me as someone who consumes 40-60 hours of audio content a week at 2x speed.

    I’ll continue taking advantage of cheap or free content, unlimited subscription services, piracy and text to speech AI software until audible can actually compete with those options at a reasonable price point. So yeah, I will listen to this book at some point. I’ll be damned if I pay $15 for a single book when I can get an entire unlimited subscription to any other type of media that is far more expensive to produce. Audible is a terrible value in the current media landscape and that has nothing to do with hating on Amazon.

    I’m happy for Andy to be able to make a living writing, but keep in mind his origin story with the Martian was self publishing on a website for free. His fans asked for him to make it available on Kindle simply for a better, easier format and he listed it at the minimum price. Now that he is an established author the industry realized they can profit off of him, they want to milk us for all they can.

    Let’s not pretend audible is putting a fair share in the hands of the creators here. I’m sure Andy and everyone else is doing well for themselves but it’s gone far beyond funding the artists.

  • For general memes and doom scrolling I’m 100% on Lemmy. Content is somewhat sparse but that just helps me limit scrolling time. I purged my post history so my profile is blank.

    I still sometimes use Reddit from Google searches to look up specific things or specific communities. When I make the mistake of clicking the home feed the default experience is so bad that I pretty much immediately close it.

    Full adoption is still lacking due to the breadth of niche communities and information that is tied up on Reddit. Is there any reddit archival efforts to preserve the information?