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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • i don’t think we should act like journalism was in a great place before.

    FB capitalized on a weakened industry, but it was the industry itself that was responsible for that state.

    they really fucked themselves by not transitioning to the new market, instead insisting that it was the customers that were wrong. all these years later, i’ve yet to see a news outlet that would be worth the subscription fee. they’re mostly recycling content from other, free sites anyway.

    once the older crowd passes, traditional news outlets are done for. the ones that remain will be the ones that were providing the content all along.

  • they’re just insufferable. the problem isn’t the situation. it’s the mindset they develop.

    it basically becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy for them. they can’t get a woman, they develop unhealthy views, related to self-entitlement, and they become walking red flags to normal, adjusted individuals, which drives their isolation, and then feeds into what they think always happens.

    a defeatist attitude never gets anything done. being a person is, in part, about self improvement.

    if your skills won’t get you hired for a job, you need to improve your skills. dating and having successful relationships is not much different. the problem with many incels is that they improve all these other aspects of their life (job, property, car), and then can’t understand why the other sex doesn’t flock to them. they fail to realize that hitting all these various metrics is just a part of the equation, but not the whole she-bang.

    if you haven’t had a relationship, maybe you haven’t had the right circumstances, or met the right person. the trick is to understand not to necessarily take that personally, as recursive as that sounds.

  • this is the way. i had to break it to my friend recently, these scam callers don’t have a DO NOT CALL list. they just have a list where they call you more.

    i got my cell number decades ago. for many years i would get calls for a Sabrina. i explained to them many times over the years, i don’t know anyone by that name and i’m not interested. every time, they’d wait about 6 months and the calls would start up again. about a year or two ago i was in the shop working, and got a call. i decided after that moment that i was Sabrina and i was interested in whatever it was they were selling.

    a few days later, i got a call, told them i was Sabrina, was down for whatever services they had. i managed to get the person to give me the address they had listed, under the guise of confirming it. before the end of the week i had 3 different roofing contractors scheduled, all to show up at the same time, same day.

    my only regret was that i couldn’t be there to watch the drama unfold. when they called back later i told them i had no idea what they were talking about.

    in the year and a half since that incident, i have received no more calls for Sabrina.

    moral of the story, sometime the best answer isn’t the honest one.