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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Can you please explain how the puratos lab

    Yeah, I can explain that:

    “… refreshed every two months with the original flour with which it was made, thereby replicating conditions in the original bakery.”


    Funny, mh?

    What does that have to do with bread?

    Nothing, it means you don’t have any idea how “that starter from etsy” smelled.

    Starters contain the yeast that’s in the flour and the air where they are made.

    Then you say: And maybe the defining variable is your local microbiota,

    🙄 You really have issues reading, don’t you.

    lol that was the point I was disagreeing with then you flip flop or something.

    My point was that a bought starter will change at your home, but since your own source shows that it is in fact the flour, you probably should go bake some bread. aY cArAmBa.

  • Aha. Well, you’re right about one thing: sourdough is a symbiotic colony of not just yeast but also LAB. Everything else…

    Where do you think the yeast and LAB in your starter come from? Why do you have regional differences in microbial composition? Why do rye and wheat starter have completely different proportions of LAB and yeast? What happens if you change the temperature of your starter during the growth phase?

    Go ahead, split your starter, feed one part each with rye, wheat, spelt flour. Now go and take the same flour but grow one at a different temperature from the other. Come back again in three weeks, tell me they’re still the same starter.

    Your starter is a product of it’s surroundings, that is your house microbiota, flour, also water and temperature. And maybe the defining variable is your local microbiota, not the flour, IDK. Doesn’t matter.

    Source: the starter I bought on Etsy still smells and tastes the same as it did when I bought it a year ago even though I’ve been feeding it my flour.

    I highly doubt that a) you have a proper recollection of smell and taste of something you assessed a year ago and b) your senses are a proper indicator of microbial composition.

    Source: I studied sensory evaluation methods and conducted studies with several hundred participants.

    Also, science.


  • And we have no more old people in this country. No more old people. We shipped them all away and we brought in these senior citizens


    Well, I’m getting old and it’s okay because thanks to our fear of death in this country I won’t have to die. I’ll pass away or I’ll expire like a magazine subscription.

    What happens in the hospital. They’ll call in the terminal episode, the insurance company will refer to it as a “negative patient care outcome” and if it’s the result of malpractice they’ll say it was a therapeutic misadventure.

    I’m telling you some of this language makes me wanna vomit. Well, maybe not vomit. It makes me want to engage in an involuntary personal protein spill.

    — George Carlin