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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Weird. My txt said the following:

    “Hi, it’s AT&T. As early as Oct. 2nd, the AutoPay and Paperless discount for customers paying by credit card will decrease from $10 to $5 per line. If you prefer to use your credit card, no action is required to receive a $5 discount.”

    Sounds like your offer is different. One quick tip if you are looking for other ways to save on AT&T. If you sign up for AARP you can get an additional $10 off of the top plan in addition to the paperless discount on AT&T.

  • Senior developer here. It is hard to overstate just how useful AI has been for me.

    It’s like having a junior programmer on standby that I can send small tasks to–and just like the junior developer I have to review it and send it back with a clarification or comment about something that needs to be corrected. The difference is instead of making a ticket for a junior dev and waiting 3 days for it to come back, just to need corrections and wait another 3 days–I get it back in seconds.

    Like most things, it’s not as bad as some people say, and it’s not the miracle others say.

    This current generation was such a leap forward from previous AI’s in terms of usefulness, that I think a lot of people were looking to the future with that current rate of gains–which can be scary. But it turns out that’s not what happened. We got a big leap and now are back at a plateau again. Which honestly is a good thing, I think. This gives the world time to slowly adjust.

    As far as similarities with crypto. Like crypto there are some ventures out there just slapping the word AI on something and calling it novel. This didn’t work for crypto and likely won’t work for AI. But unlike crypto there is actually real value being derived from AI right now, not some wild claims of a blockchain is the right DB for everything–which it was obviously not, and most people could see that, but hey investors are spending money so lets get some of it kind of mentality.

  • I was making my way over-land from Vietnam to China and there was only one train a day from this town and the border crossing took too long.

    So here I am stuck in this tiny border town and I go to the only “hotel” in town.

    The “bathroom” did not have a toilet, just a 3 inch sewer opening where a toilet should have been. I had to aim as best I could. The bed was obviously rough, I did not trust the sheets at all that looked dirty. Luckily I brought my own little sarong I could put down. Too hot for any blankets luckily.

    Later that evening the hotel keepers son kept bringing girls to the room to try to sell, and his parents were cussing him out over it at the top of their lungs while he was trying to present them.

    The “hotel” was not approved for foreigners and the hotel keeper was adamant I get out of there early in the morning before the police came by.

    That was quite the welcome to China, and the next two very long days in “hard seat” class on a meter gauge rail line winding through China, while beautiful, about broke my spirit.