The wedding party ‘joke’ finally comes to light in Douglas Is Cancelled. Plus: what really happened in one of India’s deadliest train crashes? Here’s what to watch this evening

9pm, ITV1What “joke” did Douglas (Hugh Bonneville) tell about his co-host Madeline (Karen Gillan) at the wedding party? We’re finally going to get answers in the intense finale of Steven Moffat’s cancel culture drama, which mostly focuses on Douglas’s brutal practice interview. We last saw Madeline’s strong suggestion that she knows exactly what happened and why – and Douglas isn’t the only person in the room viewers will be keeping an eye on. Hollie Richardson

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    2 months ago

    Has anyone actually watched this, every time I see a trailer for it, I just think it looks terrible. Just seems like the BBC had a meeting about trying to cover cancel culture and this is the result.