• experbia@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I think it’s more about the attempt than the result. historically, we get a lot of promises of strong leadership and then no attempts to even start following through. in my opinion, this is a massive source of voter apathy both in general but especially among young people. “why bother? they’re all liars anyway, nobody will really try to help us once they’re in” - the kids energized into politics with Kamala’s campaign will wither or defect permanently if she makes these promises and they vote for her because of it and she does the usual routine of ignoring them until reelection season swings around again. if they want any hope of banking on the new energized kids in future elections, she has to at least try and she has to be loud about doing it. if she doesn’t, this will win us only 4 years.

    when companies pay lobbyists to change laws and it doesn’t work, they retry and retry and retry until they do it. same with unpopular surveillance and “security” bills. but when talk of important social reform come up, dems go “ehhh, it’s unlikely to pass… don’t even try, it’s not worth it. it will just be a hassle…”

    like yes, the prez cannot just make dictates to change laws like people wish. other parts of government have to be engaged to do these things. so… ENGAGE THEM