Could have had issues with international buyers before. Also might depend on if there is an online shop in the middle, where they don’t want to risk negative reviews.
Also, seller is likely to be seen responsible if shipping won’t go great, like broken, lost, stolen. Some just won’t trust international mail before they get big enough they can take a hit, or it’s their primary market.
Everyone talking about taxes is neglecting the main reason you don’t ship something you were trying to sell locally: scammers.
We can gather that the seller never intended to ship the item, so they were contacted by someone who isn’t from the area. That’s like the first hint that a scammer is the one contacting you; it always needs to be shipped, it’s a “gift”, they don’t try to negotiate the price at all, etc.
I’m sure some people make legitimate deals this way, but nowadays the online market is just saturated with scammers trying dupe sellers into paying bogus fees for fraudulent payment services.
But why would you reject that? If someone wants it and would pay for it?
Purely guessing, but maybe import/export laws?
Could have had issues with international buyers before. Also might depend on if there is an online shop in the middle, where they don’t want to risk negative reviews.
From ltt wan show, apparently import and export taxes require a bunch of work.
Also, seller is likely to be seen responsible if shipping won’t go great, like broken, lost, stolen. Some just won’t trust international mail before they get big enough they can take a hit, or it’s their primary market.
Everyone talking about taxes is neglecting the main reason you don’t ship something you were trying to sell locally: scammers.
We can gather that the seller never intended to ship the item, so they were contacted by someone who isn’t from the area. That’s like the first hint that a scammer is the one contacting you; it always needs to be shipped, it’s a “gift”, they don’t try to negotiate the price at all, etc.
I’m sure some people make legitimate deals this way, but nowadays the online market is just saturated with scammers trying dupe sellers into paying bogus fees for fraudulent payment services.