I thought it might be helpful to post the current site (lemmy.world) rules here to remind you nice people what they are. You can see them by following the link in the side bar.

General guidance on posting and participating:

  • Do not post about inflammatory, controversial subjects without a Content Warning. Ideally, you would not post about inflammatory subjects at all. However, it may be acceptable to do so in some cases, but it is never acceptable to post inflammatory content without hiding the content behind an appropriate Content Warning.
  • Do not post any type of nudity without a Content Warning.
  • Regarding Spam: We are not your free advertising platform. If you are here only to sell your products or services, you will be removed. Occasional posts of commercial links are OK, but when the vast majority of a user’s posts are commercial in nature, we regard the account as a Spam account. Moderators will evaluate reports of Spam on a case by case basis.
  • Do not engage in name calling, ad hominem attacks, or any other uncivil behaviour. Criticize ideas, never people.
  • Do not report every post that upsets you. Please report posts that violate our rules but for others that you may find distasteful, or just don’t like, use the tools available to you. You can block the user or mute the conversation.
  • El Barto@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    There’s a difference between asking “Canadian liberals, why do you oppose such and such law?” and “Canadian libtards, why do you always do dumb stuff like opposing such and such?”

    • TheBananaKing@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Sure, but the subject is the same; it’s still posting about ‘such and such’, and the rule here is about subject, not framing.

      If I need to put a content warning on a topic that could be inflammatory if someone appended ‘you stupid fuck’ to the end of it, then I need to put a content warning on everything, rendering it useless.

      I respect the intent behind this, but I’ve been round internet (and pre-internet) discussion forums since the 80s, and this approach just muddies the water.