With initial efforts aimed at swinging upcoming German elections and discrediting Ukraine, Russia's "Doppelganger" influence operations have expanded to the BlueSky social media platform. It took the Russians a while to get around to it, but they've finally begun running their disinformation operations on social media platform BlueSky. On January 17,…
I called my reps.
And I advocate online.
U just banned me under some absolutely fake reason. Go home israelloving troll
Still lying about me I see.
And I think we both know why.
Looking it up, I see the “fake reason” you were banned was bigotry.
Doesn’t look like a fake reason to me.
Where did u find bigotry in my comment? U are just hellbent on defending Israeli murderers
Yes, you’ve already made it very clear that you think Jew = Israeli.
And apparently that you don’t think that’s bigoted. It is.
Yes, you’ve already made it very clear that you think Jew = Israeli.
And apparently that you don’t think that’s bigoted. It is.
Be honest - are u Jewish?