Please allow me to share a little bit too much before going to the point of the post.
Last November I decided to enroll in a course to get official recognition of something I’ve been doing for the last twenty years, which is to put together and install computers. The course is Computer Hardware and Repair/Fault Diagnosis (loose translation)
I learned the hard way, by myself, making mistakes and taking apart old machines and trying to revive hardware I was constantly told it was useless and/or obsolete. Linux was a great part of this. I’m an obnoxious FOSS/Linux crusader and I’m not ashamed.
In order to finish a course where I gained absolutely zero new knowledge and was taken as non-serious for stating I do not use anything but Linux for my daily computer needs I now have to, with no relation whatsoever and classes on it, design on paper a computer network.
Because I’m petty, I’d like to design it completely around Linux and FOSS solutions. Just to mess with the people that have even imposed I have to write the assigment in Word, with Arial font.
Please, point me towards some sources I can use. Nothing too in depth is necessary.
Router: opnsense/pfsense
I guess look at something like Open vSwitchAfter some more reading I would go for a proprietary managed switch here. WiFi/Mesh network: OpenWrt with 802.11r setup - Proxmox or Debian Bookworm with KVM/Qemu
Docker/Kubernetes: Portainer CE version as a VM in Proxmox -
Collab software:
Server Backup: Proxmox backup server or Borg backup/Restic
Client backup: Borg backup/Restic
This is going to be a blast.