OCI images that you can turn into a full-fledged developer workstation shipping Devbox, Nix, Homebrew, devcontainers and DevPod with one command. Pretty swanky!
OCI images that you can turn into a full-fledged developer workstation shipping Devbox, Nix, Homebrew, devcontainers and DevPod with one command. Pretty swanky!
The idea is very interesting. The marketing is the worst I’ve seen in a decade, easily.
I quote:
Thinking the evolution metaphor gives you license to say that and sound acceptable, is total insanity. Absolutely out of place, touch,
You know this is a reference to Jurassic Park, right?
That’s exactly the point. Referencing pop culture won’t make it sound in good taste. The whole site has a metaphor density over 9000.
I have to admit the fact that I got the metaphor BEFORE I got all of the technical aspects might be a sign that it was given more attention than projects normally do. I personally love how fun and dorky it is though