I looked this up on Google and several sites say that you can tell what color eggs a hen will lay by looking at their earlobes… I didn’t even know chickens had earlobes lol
It’s not consistently true, Leghorns have yellow colored ears and lay white eggs, but yes, MOST eggs can be differentiated by their “lobes”.
Source: Used to raise chickens growing up on a farm.
The fuck? I didn’t know this either
their turning the freakin hens gay
♫ When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs, every morning to help me get large. Now that I’m grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I’m roughly the size of a barge! ♫
Just imagine sitting down and eating five fucking dozen eggs to start your day. Gaston is insane.
lets out sulfur farts all day
This feels more like mildly infuriating since the color gradient is just slightly off
I’ll be damned if I’m gonna eat a blue egg
Would you, could you on a boat?
Would you, could you with your throat?
the throat goat make the scrote bloat
Dr. Sus
crewmate bluemate redmate ventmate
-Impostor Sus
No juevos verdes y jamon.
Yo soy Ramon.
What are you, chicken?
They’re from Araucana chicken from south America. Pretty cool if you ask me
I didn’t know Araucana was spelled that way, neat!
My family had a few when I was growing up, the eggs were delicious and they only chased me around the yard sometimes
Getting chased by an aggressive rooster is one of my earliest memories. I mostly just remember jurassic park levels of pure terror.
Now that I’m a large person, that perspective seems absurd, but chickens are very scary when you are small.
I used to raise chickens when I was a kid and never got chased by a rooster for some reason, in fact usually it was the other way around. But my neighbors down the road had turkeys that they let roam free range around their property. I was a fucking short, scrawny little kid and they were almost as tall as me, and territorial af. At least a couple times I had to run for my life from those velociraptors just because I happened to turn a corner and bump into them while hanging out with that family. They’d just look at you, spread their tail feathers and start trotting at you making weird-ass noises. Fuckers are scary af
You can’t make a Tomlette without breaking some Greggs
I love the bantam egg on top.
It makes the whole thing look like some kind of ergonomic laptop keyboard, with that egg on top being the mouse clit.
I’d like to see a computer user in 1985 try to parse this.
Is there a way to tell what eggs might have deep orange yolks? I find they taste (and look!) much better. Most eggs from the store over the last year have been very pale yellow yolks.
That depends more on the hen’s diet rather than what type of chicken. Backyard chickens that actually forage for wild bugs get darker yolks.
I dont know whats driving this impulse but I really want to lay on them like a bed of nails
And tney all taste the same on the inside.
Just like us
I always thought blue egg is rotten
The egg shell doesn’t really change color. I’ve had rotten eggs that had white shells. The hen layer determines the color of the egg.
My mistake, what i’ve seen is actually myna’s egg, which is blue.
Which is a TIL as well.